2 ABC , I hv told u many times , If u want 2 be success in yr career n life , be humble n sincere 2 yr friends n colleagues ! U hv IQ is not good enuf, d most important stuff is EQ ! d more enemies u hv d more obstacles u r going 2 face in life ^V^
U must understand that blog world n real life r totally different , in blog world, noone know who u r !? u can speak whatever u like , who cares who got offended !? I dont rely on them 4 living , in fact , they need me more 4 my stock picks, they dont 4low me is their biggest loss ! hence.. I dont care ppl ( esp TA buggers ) got offended by me ! u shouldnt 4low my style of blogging , make more friends r better than make more enemies ! bukan ?
Guys, read d below , YM chat btwn me n kelvin :-
ABC: sam
ABC:r u there ?
ABC: hello
ABC: i need your help
ABC: please reply to me if u are free
ABC: please
ABC: thanks
GOS: hi
GOS: here
GOS: anything ?
ABC: i encoutered big problem
ABC: serious political office enviroment
ABC: im in deep shit
GOS: WHat 's that ?
GOS: omg..
GOS: yah bro..
ABC: shit ....
ABC: everyone is like against me
ABC: shit
ABC: what should i do
ABC: should i call u bro sam or uncle sam
ABC: how old r u by the way
GOS: I hv told u 2 be humble n sincere with yr peers n colleague mah ! bukan ?
ABC: How now ?
GOS: abit hard liaoo
ABC: im just want to earn some decent money to support my family
ABC: isn't that wrong
GOS: nothing wrong
GOS: but
GOS: dont offend ppl mah
ABC: so..
GOS: be nice with them even u dun like him
ABC: done is already done
ABC: what should i do
GOS: then change yr attitude lol
GOS: apology 2 them
ABC: how ?
ABC: pls advice
GOS: u need this job badly ?
ABC: then...i eat wat
GOS: if yes..
GOS: then say sorry lol
GOS: nothing else u can do
GOS: this is cruel world
GOS: i told u not to be lansi with ppl
GOS: be humble n sincere
GOS: otherwise...
GOS: ppl will come after u
GOS: more friends r better than enemies
GOS: bukan ?
GOS: think about it
ABC: haizz
ABC: regret now
ABC: u r seem so mature
GOS: I told u oledi, if u follow d way i did in blog..u will surely die
GOS: blog world is different
GOS: nobody knows me
GOS: i dun rely them 4 living
ABC: i'm so tense up
GOS: in fact..they rely on me 4 tips
GOS: hence..i dun cares what ppl thought of me
GOS: even if i offended those TA buggers..so what !!?
GOS: I still live d way i wanted
GOS: they dun 4low my method is their biggest loss not me !
GOS: ha ha
GOS: bro..
GOS: change from now
GOS: be humble n sincere
GOS: otherwise..yr life will be tough
ABC: now my life is very tough
ABC: shit ..
ABC: u got to help me out
ABC: at least. .... .i need to earn some living ..if i get fired
GOS: what u want me 2 do 4 u ?
ABC: holy shit this time
ABC: i'm just a good staff but with a straight attitude only
GOS: u hv iq is not good enuf..u must hv eq oso
GOS: if u wanna 2 climb higher..eq is very important
ABC: what can i counter measure now ?
GOS: change lol
ABC: ok ok ok
ABC: shit this time
ABC: i need to learn a lot from u
ABC: my career will be dark forever
GOS: dun worry
GOS: u r still young
ABC: wah...
ABC: 28++ still young ar
ABC: house also no money to buy
GOS: find other job lah
GOS: change yr character
GOS: that's most important thing need 2 be done
ABC: k
ABC: i will change my characeter
ABC: u tell me ....
ABC: now i got saving 10k ..
ABC: how to make it become 100k ?
ABC: now finding a job is very difficult
ABC: i'm dying
GOS: quit after u got a new job
GOS: wanna 2 make big money from KLSE is not a big problem at all...if u use FA method..everything sup sup sui !
ABC: FA i also dont know what is that
ABC: im a failure
ABC: work become like this
GOS: 4low right behind me
GOS: as simple as that
ABC: have to become your student.
ABC: part time in share market
GOS: check my portfolio..since last year mkt crash till now, more than 100K profit from both US n KLSE mkt. n more 2 come $$$$
GOS: dun need 2 be my student
ABC: i guess they wont let me to go further in my career. i love my job .... sam
ABC: i really love my job
GOS: 4low right behind me , u will get what u want !
2 all newbies out there , If u want 2 hv great acheivement in yr career, dont 4get these 2 words " Sincere " n " Humble " ^_^
EQ is d key success in biz world ( of course minimum IQ is needed ) ^_^ , humble n sincere will bring u lots of opportunities in life , that's 4 sure ! d more lcly u r, d less opportunities u hv !
Y Hua chai failed 2 be PM ? cos his failed his eq, he overshines his racist boss !
Put yrself as boss, who u gonna 2 promote 2 be yr right hand man ? a humble sincere guy or a capable lansi bugger ?
2 mr ling n tcg82 , fyi.. my iq n eq r not that great as u thought ^_^ really ! but i know one thing deep in my heart , as long as u still struggling 4 financial freedom , u hv 2 be humble n sincere ..otherwise 死梗 !
even if u r rich , u hv 2 be sincere n humble oso..otherwise..u will be living in a no man island ^_^
Of all d granmom stories , one thing 4 sure , by 4lowing my style of blogging in yr life , u sure die !
BUT I willing 2 die 4 d sake of helping ppl 2 make $$$$ from share mkt ^_^
Once again ! Is TA works ? my foot !