Thursday, May 31, 2012
makalah gonore
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
makalah obat
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
makalah gonore
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
makalah obat
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Obat Gonor Pada Pria
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Obat Gonor Pada Pria
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.2 Build 4842 Full Patch
Sothink SWF Decompiler Full - Support Adobe Flash CS5 - Professional Flash Decompiler for you to convert SWF to FLA or FLEX, and easily extract Flash resources like shapes, images, sounds (mp3, wav), videos (flv), texts, sprites, ActionScript, etc. Supports Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 and ActionScript 3, Get XFL file from Flash CS5 SWF, Exports SWF resources in batch; Auto-recognizes system language, Globally searches all ActionScript, One-click online Flash capture and download, Multilingual and user-friendly.
See Adobe Flash Pro Full CS5
See Adobe Flash Pro Full CS5
- Export data of the flash file to rebuild FLA file.
- Export sounds and videos of the flash file.
- Support editing the dynamic textsof current flash.
- Support replacing the images of current flash.
- Convert flash files between exe and swf formats.
- Browse and preview any resource before exporting.
- Export texts, shapes, buttons, images, fonts and frames of the flash file.
- Export scripts and ActionScripts of the flash file.
- Show detailed properties of elements in Flash movies.
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Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
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Avast Proffesional Full Virsion + Keygen | 15Mb
Avast! Professional is a powerful antivirus which combines efficiency for detecting and eliminating informatics threatens with simplicity of use.
The powerful engine of this program allows identifying the activity of all types of malicious software. Thus, it protects in real time from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware inspections and much more.
Some of the most outstanding features of Avast! Professional are the protection for file exchange programs and for instant messaging clients, the support for command lines, the monitoring and filtering of all the HTTP traffic and the recognizance of “malware”.
Besides, the application makes it possible to choose between a basic interface and a more advanced one according to the skill and knowledge of the user.
In a few words, Avast! Professional is an interesting option to ensure the integrity of any computer.
Avast Proffesional Full Virsion + Keygen | 15Mb
Avast! Professional is a powerful antivirus which combines efficiency for detecting and eliminating informatics threatens with simplicity of use.
The powerful engine of this program allows identifying the activity of all types of malicious software. Thus, it protects in real time from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware inspections and much more.
Some of the most outstanding features of Avast! Professional are the protection for file exchange programs and for instant messaging clients, the support for command lines, the monitoring and filtering of all the HTTP traffic and the recognizance of “malware”.
Besides, the application makes it possible to choose between a basic interface and a more advanced one according to the skill and knowledge of the user.
In a few words, Avast! Professional is an interesting option to ensure the integrity of any computer.
Obat Gonore Pada Wanita
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Kencing Nanah Gonore
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebab kan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Kencing Nanah Gonore
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebab kan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Obat Gonore Pada Wanita
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Kencing Nanah Gonore
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebab kan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
Kencing Nanah Gonore
Sedang mencari obat Kencing Nanah Atau Gonore ? Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebab kan oleh Neisseria gonorrhoeae yang menginfeksi lapisan dalam uretra, leher rahim, rektum dan tenggorokan atau bagian putih mata (konjungtiva).Gonore bisa menyebar melalui aliran darah ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama kulit dan persendian.Pada wanita, gonore bisa naik ke saluran kelamin dan
ESET Smart Security v5.2.9.1 + Patch/Activation x86/x64 Mediafire Download Links | 50MB
Eset Smart Secutiry 32-Bit/64-Bit latest and most complete version of security software including anti-virus firm Eset, anti-spyware and firewall is a mess. And the ability to protect adjacent computers are capable of using the NetWork. Today, with computer viruses and other Internet threats using an antivirus is powerful because it requires a connection to the Internet and File Hstd that important documents are stored on your computer and may be neglected with all the documents lose. The use of some anti-virus problems, including lower-speed computers, bulk updates and follow the messages and that is frustrating that some users do not use antivirus. What is the remedy? Whether there are anti Vyrvys without lowering the overall system speed and full-time computer protection. Product of the company's NOD 32 ESET, antivirus is very fast, powerful and quiet for a comprehensive and full-time protection against all types of viruses, worms, spyware, Trojan, and hackers and cyber theft
The main sectors Tshklyl Eset Smart Secutiry:
ESET Smart Security v5.2.9.1 + Patch/Activation x86/x64 Mediafire Download Links | 50MB
Eset Smart Secutiry 32-Bit/64-Bit latest and most complete version of security software including anti-virus firm Eset, anti-spyware and firewall is a mess. And the ability to protect adjacent computers are capable of using the NetWork. Today, with computer viruses and other Internet threats using an antivirus is powerful because it requires a connection to the Internet and File Hstd that important documents are stored on your computer and may be neglected with all the documents lose. The use of some anti-virus problems, including lower-speed computers, bulk updates and follow the messages and that is frustrating that some users do not use antivirus. What is the remedy? Whether there are anti Vyrvys without lowering the overall system speed and full-time computer protection. Product of the company's NOD 32 ESET, antivirus is very fast, powerful and quiet for a comprehensive and full-time protection against all types of viruses, worms, spyware, Trojan, and hackers and cyber theft
The main sectors Tshklyl Eset Smart Secutiry:
ESET Personal Firewall: With powerful Firewall that all traffic exchanged between a protected computer and other computers in a local network considers Some of the performance of the firewall: - Regular review of programs that use POP3 protocol and HTTP (the protocol for browsing, get and send e-mail will be used) for pollution - To prevent low level attacks on networks that have less security - Input and output filtering based on rules, the latter will - Under the constant changes in executable files - Antivirus MONitor: The part that Astah (AMON) called for the automatic and constant File Search to find the virus before they are accessible to users. - NOD32: This section is for various hand-File or Drive. - Internet MONitor: This part of the so-called (IMON) is called to search and destroy infected File System users in the network before reaching the Internet. - Email MONitor: This part of the so-called (EMON) called for received and sent by Email Search programs are Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange. - Document MONitor: This part of the so-called (DMON) is called Find File to search for text documents and Microsoft Office are. - ESET Anti Spam: - Support for the RCF email format - Ability to Create Blacklist and Whitelist - Ability to control multiple messages simultaneously - Full integration with Microsoft Outlook software Features software, Eset Smart Secutiry: - ThreatSense ® technology to find Czech malicious code such as viruses, spyware and ... - A unique and intelligent searching to find suspected pollution File that are new and unknown - Protect all avenues of penetration of viruses into the system include: SMTP, POP3, HTTP, and all local and removable media - The implementation and dissemination of the virus File - Ability to delete malicious code into memory - Clean up contamination from the File that are read-only. (Such as running DLL File Find) - To run automatically at Windows startup - Low volume and low volume, updated hourly antivirus updates download (suitable for low speeds) - Compatible with different versions of Windows, including the popular Windows 7
Folder Lock v5.8.0 + Serial Key (FullVirsion)
Folder Lock v5.8.0 + Serial Key | Size:- 4.17MB
Folder Lock is fast file-security software that can password-protect, lock, hide, and encrypt any number of files, folders, drives, pictures, and documents in seconds. Locked files are undeletable, unrenamable, unmovable, hidden, and inaccessible. You can lock, scramble, or encrypt depending on speed and security. Folder Lock is fully portable, so you can protect your files on USB flash drives, disks, CD-RWs, notebooks, and hard disks, and it doesn't require installation on another PC. Folder Lock protects files in Windows, DOS, and Safe modes, even when you change your OS or boot from a disk. Folder Lock doesn't let you delete its own program folder, and it can't be uninstalled without the correct password. Additional options include Stealth Mode, Hacker Attempt Monitoring, Shred files, AutoLock, Auto Shutdown PC, Lock your PC, Erase PC tracks, 256-bit Blowfish Encryption and Context Menu in Explorer.
Folder Lock v5.8.0 + Serial Key | Size:- 4.17MB
Folder Lock is fast file-security software that can password-protect, lock, hide, and encrypt any number of files, folders, drives, pictures, and documents in seconds. Locked files are undeletable, unrenamable, unmovable, hidden, and inaccessible. You can lock, scramble, or encrypt depending on speed and security. Folder Lock is fully portable, so you can protect your files on USB flash drives, disks, CD-RWs, notebooks, and hard disks, and it doesn't require installation on another PC. Folder Lock protects files in Windows, DOS, and Safe modes, even when you change your OS or boot from a disk. Folder Lock doesn't let you delete its own program folder, and it can't be uninstalled without the correct password. Additional options include Stealth Mode, Hacker Attempt Monitoring, Shred files, AutoLock, Auto Shutdown PC, Lock your PC, Erase PC tracks, 256-bit Blowfish Encryption and Context Menu in Explorer.
Root Explorer File Manager 2.19 For Android Full Keygen

Features include SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, extract rar archives, multi-select, execute scripts, search, remount, permissions, bookmarks, send files (via email, bluetooth etc), image thumbnails, APK binary XML viewer, change file owner/group, create symbolic link, "Open With" facility, MD5.
What's in this version:
- Allow multi-select operations on search results.
- Allow multiple files to be extracted from zip/tar/rar archives.
- Added "Go to parent" option on search result items.
- Improved scrolling performance when viewing text files and databases on hi-res ICS devices.
- Check for existing zip/tar archives and prompt before overwriting them.
- Reduced the APK size.
- Allow folders to be extracted from zip/tar/rar archives.
- Added language support for Korean, Japanese, French and Italian.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
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Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
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- Download Root Explorer (File Manager) v.2.19 For Android - 493KB [4shared]
Google Drive 1.0.77 For Android Full Apk Mediafire
Keep everything. Share anything. Google Docs is now a part of Google Drive!
What's in this version:
- With Google Drive, you can store all your files in one place, so you can access them from anywhere and share them with others
- Use the Google Drive Android app to access your photos, documents, videos and other files stored on your Google Drive
- Upload files to Google Drive directly from your Android device
- Make any file available offline so you can access them even when you don't have an Internet connection
- Create and edit Google documents with rich text formatting
- Edits to your Google documents appear to collaborators in seconds
- Make quick changes to spreadsheets
- View your PDFs, presentations and more
- Upload and convert files to the Google Docs format
- Take a photo of printed text and convert it to a Google document
- Share any file with your contacts
- Access files others have shared with you on Google Drive
- Optimized experience to take advantage of larger screens for tablet users, Honeycomb (Android 3.0+)
What's in this version:
- Quickly find files that have been recently opened, edited or shared with you
- Upload/Download all file types to/from your Google Drive
- Selecting contacts to share with is easier
- Faster navigation of folders when syncing in the background
- Choose text alignment in the documents editor
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Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
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Type File : .RAR
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Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
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- Free Download Google Drive 1.0.77 For Android Full - 4.6MB
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Any Video Convertor Ultimate + Patch (Full Virsion)
Any Video Converter 4.3.7 Capture & record video from Netflix and similar feed sites. Download YouTube videos with file queuing downloader. Rip DVD & convert videos to handheld & mobile devices. Seamless transfer video to DVD Burner to create DVDs. Edit video clips with cut, crop, and special effects.
Features and Benefits
1. Install avc-ultimate-Setup
2. Open Patch Folder and Copy "Patch" and Paste into Install Directory "C:\Program Files\AnvSoft\Any Video Converter Ultimate"
3. Open Patch and Apply Patch
Any Video Converter 4.3.7 Capture & record video from Netflix and similar feed sites. Download YouTube videos with file queuing downloader. Rip DVD & convert videos to handheld & mobile devices. Seamless transfer video to DVD Burner to create DVDs. Edit video clips with cut, crop, and special effects.
Features and Benefits
Screencast anything you see on screen.
Record video and capture desktop activities.
Rip DVD files and DVD folders to hard disk.
Support converting to iPhone, iPad, Android Phones, Samsung Galaxy S II, Amazon Kindle Fire and more.
Extract DVD to file formats readable by media players.
Compatible with all DVD folder structures.
Convert any video formats for various devices.
Download YouTube video with a few clicks.
Burn (write) videos to DVD with dvd authoring tools.
Make a DVD menu with DVD menu templates.
Create personalized videos easily with video clip, video crop, effects setting functions.
Intuitive interface and fast conversion speed with CUDA Technology.
Compatible with windows Vista and 7, compatible with 64-bit OS
User interface are available in 20 languages
Rip DVD disc and DVD folder to videos for iPod, PSP, Zune and more
Rip copy protected DVD movies directly without removing DVD copy protection
Convert all kinds of video formats including high-defination videos
Convert videos for all portable media players and mobile phones
Extract audio from any videos and save as MP3/WMA for your mp3 player
Take snapshot from any videos and build your own picture collection
Support high-defination for both input and output
Record any local and online video, capture all desktop activities
Batch add videos from hard drive and batch convert
Customize output parameters completely as you like
Manage your output videos files by group or output profile
Enable or disable any output profile to display your commonly used ones only
Built-in YouTube video downloader and converter
Select YouTube video quality levels
Merge several video files into a single and long one
Clip a video into segments
Crop frame size to remove black bars and retain what you want only
Adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation
Rotate or flip or add noise/sharpen effects
Produce output video with subtitles of your own dialogue
Add "Flatten and add faststart to mp4 files" to enable mp4 streaming
Kenali Bau Badan dan Solusinya
Bau badan bisa menjadi masalah serius. Saat ini, sudah banyak cara untuk mengatasinya. Namun, tidak banyak yang tahu apa faktor penyebab bau badan.Bau badan disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Tiga pakar di bidang yang berbeda memberi jawabannya sebagai berikut:1. DermatologisKetika bakteri berkembang di bagian kulit yang berkeringat, hasilnya adalah bau badan yang tidak sedap. Jagalah kulit agar
Kenali Bau Badan dan Solusinya
Bau badan bisa menjadi masalah serius. Saat ini, sudah banyak cara untuk mengatasinya. Namun, tidak banyak yang tahu apa faktor penyebab bau badan.Bau badan disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Tiga pakar di bidang yang berbeda memberi jawabannya sebagai berikut:1. DermatologisKetika bakteri berkembang di bagian kulit yang berkeringat, hasilnya adalah bau badan yang tidak sedap. Jagalah kulit agar
Piala Eropa 2012, Polisi Inggris Sweeping Hooligan
Maniac Blog-London - Kepolisian Inggris menjaring para Hooligan (pendukung garis keras Timnas Inggris) yang pernah terlibat kasus kekerasan untuk mencegah mereka terbang ke Polandia-Ukraina.
Sebagaimana dilansir CBC Sports, pihak Kepolisian West Midlands menangkap tiga Hooligan pada Kamis (31/5/2012) waktu setempat yang pernah memiliki sejarah melakukan tindakan anarkis.
Sebagaimana dilansir CBC Sports, pihak Kepolisian West Midlands menangkap tiga Hooligan pada Kamis (31/5/2012) waktu setempat yang pernah memiliki sejarah melakukan tindakan anarkis.
Pihak kepolisian kemudian menahan paspor ketiganya dan memasukkan mereka ke penjara. Hal itu dimaksudkan agar ketiga Hooligan itu tidak bisa pergi ke Polandia dan Ukraina untuk mendukung Timnas Inggris di ajang Piala Eropa 2012.
Sebelumnya, Pihak Kepolisian West Midlands telah menhimbau agar para Hooligan yang pernah memiliki sejarah tindak kekerasan di pertandinga internasional agar menyerahkan paspor mereka. Sejauh ini, 214 Hooligan telah memberikasn paspor mereka.
Ini bukan pertama kalinya Pihak Berwajib Inggris melakukan operasi seperti ini. Di tahun 2010, Pihak Kepolisian Inggris menangkap 3200 Hooligan sebelum berangkat ke Piala Dunia di Afrika Selatan.
Gelaran Piala Eropa 2012 akan dihelat pada 8 Juni nanti. Inggris tergabung di Grup D bersama Tuan Rumah Ukraina, Swedia, dan Prancis.
Ini bukan pertama kalinya Pihak Berwajib Inggris melakukan operasi seperti ini. Di tahun 2010, Pihak Kepolisian Inggris menangkap 3200 Hooligan sebelum berangkat ke Piala Dunia di Afrika Selatan.
Gelaran Piala Eropa 2012 akan dihelat pada 8 Juni nanti. Inggris tergabung di Grup D bersama Tuan Rumah Ukraina, Swedia, dan Prancis.
ISL:Prediksi skor Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC
Prediksi skor Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC - Prediksi Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC. Prediksi score pertandingan Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC. Perjuangan berat akan dilakoni Sriwijaya FC saat menghadapi tuan rumah Persiba Balikpapan, Jumat (01/06) di Stadion Persiba dalam lanjutan kompetisi Super Liga Indonesia. Jika sebelumnya Sriwijaya FC dipastikan tidak diperkuat kapten tim Ponaryo Astaman yang mendapat akumulasi kartu kuning, maka kabar terbaru, Sriwijaya FC juga dipastikan tidak akan diperkuat penjaga gawang utama Ferry Rotinsulu.
Tadi pagi Ferry Rotinsulu meminta izin kembali ke Palembang untuk menemani istrinya, Anisa Katarima melahirkan anak kedua. Pelatih kepala Sriwijaya FC Kas Hartadi kepada Indonesia, Kamis (31/05) membenarkan kalau Ferry Rotinsulu absen menghadapi Persiba Balikpapan.
Posisi Ferry sebagai penjaga gawang utama akan digantikan oleh Rivki Mokodompit. “Ya benar, Ferry absen lawan Persiba. Tadi pagi Ferry izin kembali ke Palembang untuk menemani istrinya melahirkan,” kata Kas Hartadi.
Karena itulah Kas Hartadi menyiapkan Rivki Mokodompit sebagai penjaga gawang utama, sementara sebagai penjaga gawang cadangan, Kas Hartadi memanggil penjaga gawang ketiga Andi Irawan yang sebelumnya tidak di bawa ke Balikpapan.
”Rivki Mokodompit menjadi starter menghadapi Persiba sementara Andi Irawan sebagai cadangan. Andi sudah kita kabari dan saat ini dia sudah dalam perjalanan menuju Balikpapan,” ujar Kas Hartadi.
Meskipun tanpa diperkuat Ferry Rotinsulu, Kas Hartadi optimis Rivki bisa menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, apalagi Rivki sudah beberapa kali tampil menggantikan Ferry Rotinsulu.
“Persiba merupakan lawan yang berat, apalagi mereka bermain di kandang sendiri, namun kita tetap optimis, Rivki bisa bermain maksimal apalagi Rivki pernah menjadi pahlawan saat menghadapi Deltras Sidoarjo,” kata Kas Hartadi.
Head to Head Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC:
Jan 15, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 5 - Persiba Balikpapan 1 (ISL)
Jun 5, 2011 Persiba Balikpapan 0 - Sriwijaya FC 1 (ISL)
Oct 21, 2010 Sriwijaya FC 2 - Persiba Balikpapan 1 (ISL)
May 30, 2010 Sriwijaya FC 3 - Persiba Balikpapan 3 (ISL)
Oct 14, 2009 Persiba Balikpapan 4 - Sriwijaya FC 0 (ISL)
Lima Pertandingan terakhir Persiba:
May 28, 2012 Mitra Kutai Kartanegara 0 - Persiba Balikpapan 0 ISL
May 24, 2012 Persisam Putra Samarinda 0 - Persiba Balikpapan 1 ISL
May 18, 2012 Persidafon Dafonsoro 2 - Persiba Balikpapan 2 ISL
May 12, 2012 Persiba Balikpapan 1 - PSAP Sigli 1 ISL
May 4, 2012 Persiba Balikpapan 3 - PSMS Medan 1 ISL
Lima Pertandingan terakhir Sriwijaya FC:
May 27, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 1 - Persipura Jayapura 0 ISL
May 21, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 3 - Persiwa Wamena 2 ISL
May 17, 2012 Persiram Raja Ampat 1 - Sriwijaya FC 2 ISL
May 14, 2012 Persidafon Dafonsoro 2 - Sriwijaya FC 2 ISL
May 6, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 3 - PSAP Sigli 1 ISL
Perkiraan susunan pemain Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC:
Persiba: I Made Wirawan, Supriyadi, Rahmad Latief, Tomislav Labudovic, Dwi Joko, Sultan Samma, Ahmad Sembiring, Esteban Gullien, Matsunaga Shohei, Aldo Barreto, Kenji Adachihara.
Sriwijaya FC: Rivki Mokodompit, Supardi Nasir, Thiery Gathussi, Jamie Coyne, Mahyadi Panggabean, Lim Jun Sik, Firman Utina, Ponaryo Astaman, Muhammad Ridwan, Keith Kayamba Gumbs, Hilton Moreira.
Prediksi skor pertandingan Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC by Maniac Blog: Persiba 1-0 Sriwijaya FC. Pertandingan Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC disiarkan Langsung di ANTV 15:00 WIB, Tanggal 1 Juni 2012.
Tadi pagi Ferry Rotinsulu meminta izin kembali ke Palembang untuk menemani istrinya, Anisa Katarima melahirkan anak kedua. Pelatih kepala Sriwijaya FC Kas Hartadi kepada Indonesia, Kamis (31/05) membenarkan kalau Ferry Rotinsulu absen menghadapi Persiba Balikpapan.
Posisi Ferry sebagai penjaga gawang utama akan digantikan oleh Rivki Mokodompit. “Ya benar, Ferry absen lawan Persiba. Tadi pagi Ferry izin kembali ke Palembang untuk menemani istrinya melahirkan,” kata Kas Hartadi.
Karena itulah Kas Hartadi menyiapkan Rivki Mokodompit sebagai penjaga gawang utama, sementara sebagai penjaga gawang cadangan, Kas Hartadi memanggil penjaga gawang ketiga Andi Irawan yang sebelumnya tidak di bawa ke Balikpapan.
”Rivki Mokodompit menjadi starter menghadapi Persiba sementara Andi Irawan sebagai cadangan. Andi sudah kita kabari dan saat ini dia sudah dalam perjalanan menuju Balikpapan,” ujar Kas Hartadi.
Meskipun tanpa diperkuat Ferry Rotinsulu, Kas Hartadi optimis Rivki bisa menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, apalagi Rivki sudah beberapa kali tampil menggantikan Ferry Rotinsulu.
“Persiba merupakan lawan yang berat, apalagi mereka bermain di kandang sendiri, namun kita tetap optimis, Rivki bisa bermain maksimal apalagi Rivki pernah menjadi pahlawan saat menghadapi Deltras Sidoarjo,” kata Kas Hartadi.
Head to Head Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC:
Jan 15, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 5 - Persiba Balikpapan 1 (ISL)
Jun 5, 2011 Persiba Balikpapan 0 - Sriwijaya FC 1 (ISL)
Oct 21, 2010 Sriwijaya FC 2 - Persiba Balikpapan 1 (ISL)
May 30, 2010 Sriwijaya FC 3 - Persiba Balikpapan 3 (ISL)
Oct 14, 2009 Persiba Balikpapan 4 - Sriwijaya FC 0 (ISL)
Lima Pertandingan terakhir Persiba:
May 28, 2012 Mitra Kutai Kartanegara 0 - Persiba Balikpapan 0 ISL
May 24, 2012 Persisam Putra Samarinda 0 - Persiba Balikpapan 1 ISL
May 18, 2012 Persidafon Dafonsoro 2 - Persiba Balikpapan 2 ISL
May 12, 2012 Persiba Balikpapan 1 - PSAP Sigli 1 ISL
May 4, 2012 Persiba Balikpapan 3 - PSMS Medan 1 ISL
Lima Pertandingan terakhir Sriwijaya FC:
May 27, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 1 - Persipura Jayapura 0 ISL
May 21, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 3 - Persiwa Wamena 2 ISL
May 17, 2012 Persiram Raja Ampat 1 - Sriwijaya FC 2 ISL
May 14, 2012 Persidafon Dafonsoro 2 - Sriwijaya FC 2 ISL
May 6, 2012 Sriwijaya FC 3 - PSAP Sigli 1 ISL
Perkiraan susunan pemain Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC:
Persiba: I Made Wirawan, Supriyadi, Rahmad Latief, Tomislav Labudovic, Dwi Joko, Sultan Samma, Ahmad Sembiring, Esteban Gullien, Matsunaga Shohei, Aldo Barreto, Kenji Adachihara.
Sriwijaya FC: Rivki Mokodompit, Supardi Nasir, Thiery Gathussi, Jamie Coyne, Mahyadi Panggabean, Lim Jun Sik, Firman Utina, Ponaryo Astaman, Muhammad Ridwan, Keith Kayamba Gumbs, Hilton Moreira.
Prediksi skor pertandingan Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC by Maniac Blog: Persiba 1-0 Sriwijaya FC. Pertandingan Persiba vs Sriwijaya FC disiarkan Langsung di ANTV 15:00 WIB, Tanggal 1 Juni 2012.
Jadwal Lengkap Piala Eropa EURO 2012 di RCTI
Jadwal Pertandingan Euro 2012 RCTI
Sebentar lagi perhelatan akbar sepak bola benua biru, Eropa digelar, para kontestan pun menyiapkan kekuatan masing-masing untuk menjadi juara piala eropa 2012. Euro 2012 di gelar di dua negara Ukraina dan Polandia. Untuk bisa mendownload atau mengcopy Jadwal Piala Eropa Euro 2012 disediakan di akhir postingan ini.
Pada Euro 2008, Spanyol menjadi juara setelah di Final mengalahkan Jerman.
Polandia vs Yunani : 8 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Warsaw
Yunani vs Rep Ceko : 12 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Wroclaw
Polandia vs Rusia : 13 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Warsaw
Yunani vs Rusia : 16 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Warsaw
Rep. Ceko vs Polandua : 17 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Wroclaw
Belanda vs Denmark : 9 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Kharkiv
Jerman vs Portugal : 10 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Lviv
Denmark vs Portugal : 13 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Lviv
Belanda vs Jerman : 14 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Kharkiv
Portugal vs Belanda : 17 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Kharkiv
Denmark vs Jerman : 18 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Lviv
Spanyol vs Italia : 10 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Gdansk
Irlandia vs Kroasia : 11 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Poznan
Italia vs Kroasia : 14 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Poznan
Spanyol vs Irlandia : 15 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Gdansk
Kroasia vs Spanyol : 18 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Gdansk
Italia vs Irlandia : 19 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Poznan
Perancis vs Inggris : 11 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Donetsk
Ukraina vs Swedia : 12 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Kiev
Swedia vs Inggris : 15 Juni pkl 23.00 WIB, Kiev
Ukraina vs Perancis : 16 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Donetsk
Swedia vs Perancis : 19 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Kiev
Ingris vs Ukraina : 20 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Donetsk
Juara A vs Runner up B 21 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Warsaw
Juara B vs Runner up A 22 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Gdansk
Juara C vs Runner up D 23 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Donetsk
Juara D vs Runner up C 24 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Kiev
..............vs................ 27 Juni pkl 01.45 WIB, Donetsk
..............vs............. 1 Juli pkl 01.45 WIB, Kiev
Manchester United, Klub Dengan Fans Terbanyak Di Dunia
Setan Merah harus berbangga hati karena mereka menjadi tim di dunia dengan fans terbanyak yaitu mencapai 659 juta di seluruh dunia. Dan sekitar 1 Milyar TV di dunia menayangkan pertandingan mereka, wow! itu adalah salah satu prestasi terbaik selama mereka perjalanan mereka hingga saat ini. Walaupun mereka gagal memberikan prestasi terbaik mereka selama musim 2011/2012 tapi mereka tetap menjadi
Manchester United, Klub Dengan Fans Terbanyak Di Dunia
Setan Merah harus berbangga hati karena mereka menjadi tim di dunia dengan fans terbanyak yaitu mencapai 659 juta di seluruh dunia. Dan sekitar 1 Milyar TV di dunia menayangkan pertandingan mereka, wow! itu adalah salah satu prestasi terbaik selama mereka perjalanan mereka hingga saat ini. Walaupun mereka gagal memberikan prestasi terbaik mereka selama musim 2011/2012 tapi mereka tetap menjadi
Zuckerberg Terdepak dari Daftar 40 Orang Kaya
Pemilik jejaring sosial raksasa, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, harus rela terlempar dari daftar 40 orang terkaya dunia. Hilangnya kekayaan pria yang sempat bersekolah di Harvard ini seiring terus melorotnya harga saham Facebook di bursa saham Nasdaq, Amerika Serikat.Sepert dikutip VIVAnews dari laman, Kamis, 31 Mei 2012, saham Facebook kemarin ditutup pada level US$ 28,19 per unit. Ini
Zuckerberg Terdepak dari Daftar 40 Orang Kaya
Pemilik jejaring sosial raksasa, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, harus rela terlempar dari daftar 40 orang terkaya dunia. Hilangnya kekayaan pria yang sempat bersekolah di Harvard ini seiring terus melorotnya harga saham Facebook di bursa saham Nasdaq, Amerika Serikat.Sepert dikutip VIVAnews dari laman, Kamis, 31 Mei 2012, saham Facebook kemarin ditutup pada level US$ 28,19 per unit. Ini
[Trans] Kyu Jong Made Handwritten Message to Fans
From AllKPop here is Kyu Jong translated handwritten letter to fans just after news broke out that he will be enlisting in July. Thanks to leesa86 for this.
[Trans] SS501′s Kim Kyu Jong writes a hand-written letter to his fans
by leesa86 / AllKPop
SS501‘s Kim Kyu Jong wrote a handwritten letter to his beloved fans to personally announce his military enlistment.
The letter was posted
[Trans] SS501′s Kim Kyu Jong writes a hand-written letter to his fans
by leesa86 / AllKPop
SS501‘s Kim Kyu Jong wrote a handwritten letter to his beloved fans to personally announce his military enlistment.
The letter was posted
Kostum Terbaru 'Iron Man 3' Mirip Captain America
Ada yang berbeda dan spesial dengan penampilan Iron Man dalam sekuel film 'Iron Man 3', karena dalam film terbaru ini Iron Man akan berganti tampilan dengan mengenakan kostun versi terbarunya. Bagaimanakan wujudnya ?Dalam foto yang diambil dari lokasi syuting di Wilmington, terlihat aktor James Badge Dale mengenakan kostum Iron Patriot. Namun saat dilihat secara seksama kostum tersebut nampak
Kostum Terbaru 'Iron Man 3' Mirip Captain America
Ada yang berbeda dan spesial dengan penampilan Iron Man dalam sekuel film 'Iron Man 3', karena dalam film terbaru ini Iron Man akan berganti tampilan dengan mengenakan kostun versi terbarunya. Bagaimanakan wujudnya ?Dalam foto yang diambil dari lokasi syuting di Wilmington, terlihat aktor James Badge Dale mengenakan kostum Iron Patriot. Namun saat dilihat secara seksama kostum tersebut nampak
Pria AS Ditembak Mati karena Gigit dan Makan Wajah Pria Lain
Polisi Miami terpaksa menembak mati seorang pria telanjang yang melakukan aksi mengerikan. Ia kepergok, Ahad (27/3) sedang memakan wajah pria lain.Serangan yang dilakukan pria telanjang itu terjadi di samping jalan tol Miami , menyebabkan petugas polisi menembak mati tersangka. Pasalnya lelaki itu terus menggigit wajah korbannya meski ia telah terluka oleh polisi.Penyerang diduga ialah seorang
Pria AS Ditembak Mati karena Gigit dan Makan Wajah Pria Lain
Polisi Miami terpaksa menembak mati seorang pria telanjang yang melakukan aksi mengerikan. Ia kepergok, Ahad (27/3) sedang memakan wajah pria lain.Serangan yang dilakukan pria telanjang itu terjadi di samping jalan tol Miami , menyebabkan petugas polisi menembak mati tersangka. Pasalnya lelaki itu terus menggigit wajah korbannya meski ia telah terluka oleh polisi.Penyerang diduga ialah seorang
Australias Got Talent S06E13 PDTV x264-TASTETV
The fourth set of semi finalists battle it out for a place in the grand final.
MP4| AAC VBR | 540MB
MP4| AAC VBR | 540MB
Melissa and Joey S02E01 HDTV x264-ASAP
“I Can Manage”
In the second-season opener, Mel has her home renovated, but the construction work does not go smoothly. Meanwhile, Lennox’s school puts on a play she wrote, but the audience reaction is not what she anticipated.
In the second-season opener, Mel has her home renovated, but the construction work does not go smoothly. Meanwhile, Lennox’s school puts on a play she wrote, but the audience reaction is not what she anticipated.
MP4 | AAC VBR | 180MB
MP4 | AAC VBR | 180MB
First Set: Single Links or Interchangeable 1Gb Parts
Second Set: Single Links or Interchangeable 200Mb Parts
Men In Black 3 2012 TS XviD-HOPE - Mediafire
Agent J travels in time to MIB’s early years in the 1960s, to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi | Director: Barry Sonnenfeld | IMDB
Size:1.45 GB| Rls NFO: Here
Men In Black 3 2012 TS XviD-HOPE - Mediafire
Heboh Kaos Tipis Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez menjadi bahan perbincangan saat ia memasang foto dirinya di twitter. Fotonya memang tidak heboh. Ia juga tidak mengenakan pakaian terbuka. Namun, foto itu justru membuat ia menjadi sorotan. Mengapa?Seperti dikutip dari Hollywoodlife, dalam foto yang memperlihatkan Gomez mengenakan kaos putih tipis itu, kekasih Justin Bieber ini tidak mengenakan bra. Foto itu pun langsung menuai
Heboh Kaos Tipis Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez menjadi bahan perbincangan saat ia memasang foto dirinya di twitter. Fotonya memang tidak heboh. Ia juga tidak mengenakan pakaian terbuka. Namun, foto itu justru membuat ia menjadi sorotan. Mengapa?Seperti dikutip dari Hollywoodlife, dalam foto yang memperlihatkan Gomez mengenakan kaos putih tipis itu, kekasih Justin Bieber ini tidak mengenakan bra. Foto itu pun langsung menuai
[Article] Kyu Jong to Enlisht in the Military in July
Here is translation of the first news that came out about an hour ago. Much thanks to leesa86 for sharing in AllKPop.
[News] SS501′s Kim Kyu Jong to enlist in the Military this July
Source & Image: TVReport
by leesa86 / AllKPop
SS501‘s Kim Kyu Jong will be enlisting in the Korean military this July.
After receiving 4 weeks of basic military training at a recruit training center, he
[News] SS501′s Kim Kyu Jong to enlist in the Military this July
Source & Image: TVReport
by leesa86 / AllKPop
SS501‘s Kim Kyu Jong will be enlisting in the Korean military this July.
After receiving 4 weeks of basic military training at a recruit training center, he
Turkish Goalkeeper Rüştü Reçber Took Leave Of National Team
Image Gallery,
last game,
Rüştü Reçber,
took leave,
Kyu Jong to Enter the Military in July... Handwritten Message Posted in
A day before Kyu Jong's fan meeting in Seoul, news about him entering mandatory 2 year military service came out about a few minutes ago. From the news it says that Kyu Jong will start his military service in July. It will be 4 weeks basic training and 2 years public service.
As this news broke out, many fans feel sad. I have actually heard that Kyu Jong received the notice much earlier but
As this news broke out, many fans feel sad. I have actually heard that Kyu Jong received the notice much earlier but
Surge of Pix of Hyun Joong from PressCon & Hi5 @ Chengdu 05.31.12
Set of photos of Hyun Joong at the presscon and Hi5 in Chengdu is coming through. Much thanks to 00lanse for sharing these photos in Baidu which came from 大娱网(
Though tired due to lack of sleep and rest, Hyun Joong still give his best smile to the fans who queued for the Hi5. I hope that tonight Hyun Joong can take the much needed rest and sleep, though I read that the practice for
Though tired due to lack of sleep and rest, Hyun Joong still give his best smile to the fans who queued for the Hi5. I hope that tonight Hyun Joong can take the much needed rest and sleep, though I read that the practice for
Another Set of FanCam of Young Saeng at SBS Radio Cultwo Show 05.31.12
I am shoving here another set fancams of Young Saeng singing 'Crying' and 'Let It Go' when he guested earlier at Cultwo Show. Here are the fancams of Madeleine ( that I lifted from the YouTube channel of yssilver1103.
Please DO NOT edit and upload videos from Madeleine in any streaming sites including YouTube.
Please DO NOT edit and upload videos from Madeleine in any streaming sites including YouTube.
Tingkah Aneh Pendiri Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Dan istri Saat Bulan Madu
Pendiri Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg baru-baru ini melangsungkan pernikahannya dengan Priscilla Chan. Ketika berada di kampung halaman istrinya itu, di Shanghai China, secara tidak sengaja keduanya menjadi cameo (figuran) dalam sebuah film dokumenter.Diwartakan Cnet, Kamis (31/5/2012), dua sejoli ini secara tidak sengaja terekam dalam film dokumenter buatan China Central Televicion (CCTV). Segera
Tingkah Aneh Pendiri Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Dan istri Saat Bulan Madu
Pendiri Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg baru-baru ini melangsungkan pernikahannya dengan Priscilla Chan. Ketika berada di kampung halaman istrinya itu, di Shanghai China, secara tidak sengaja keduanya menjadi cameo (figuran) dalam sebuah film dokumenter.Diwartakan Cnet, Kamis (31/5/2012), dua sejoli ini secara tidak sengaja terekam dalam film dokumenter buatan China Central Televicion (CCTV). Segera
Preparatory Camp for India U-22 in New Delhi from 1st June
![]() |
U-22 Indian Team at Bangalore, Picture Courtesy: Rudra Nayan Das |
The preparatory camp for the U-22 Asian Cup, Qualifiers kicks-off in New Delhi from Friday June 1, 2012. The Camp was earlier being held in Bangalore from May 23. A series of Medical Tests were conducted in Bangalore after which the list has been pruned down to 33. The final list of 23 will be declared later.
Arthur Papas who will be the Head Coach for the Assignment takes charge of the team in New Delhi.
India have been clubbed in Group A of the U-22 Asian Cup Qualifiers along with hosts Oman, Iraq, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates and Turkmenistan. India play their first match against Lebanon on June 23.
The list of 33 players stay as follows:
Goalkeepers: Gurpreet Singh Sandhu (Kingfisher East Bengal), Ravi Kumar (Pailan Arrows), Ricardo Cardozo (Tata Football Academy), Soram Poirei Angamba (Shillong Lajong FC).
Defenders: Pritam Kotal, Vishal Kumar, Souvik Ghosh, Prathamesh Maulinkar, Deepak Devrani (all from Pailan Arrows), Irfan Khan, Narayan Das, Yumnam Chingkhei (all from Tata Football Academy), Abhishek Das (Kingfisher East Bengal), Ramandeep Singh (Air India).
Midfielders: Bikramjit Singh (Sr), Pronoy Halder, Ognam Milan Singh, Thirthankar Sarkar, Allwyn George, Malswamfela (all from Pailan Arrows), Simranjit Singh (Tata Football Academy), Rowlin Borges (Sporting Clube de Goa), David Lalbiakzara, Ganeshan (both from Pune FC), Deepak Prakash (HAL), Lalrindika Ralte (Churchill Brothers), Shyju Mon (Chirag Kerala), Romeo Fernandes (Dempo).
Forwards: Rajinder Kumar, Holicharan Narzary, (both from Pailan Arrows), Pankaj Sona (Tata Football Academy), Jeje Lalpekhlua (Pune FC), Manandeep Singh (Air India).
HEAD COACH: Arthur Papas
India Fixtures:
India vs Lebanon (June 23),
India vs Iraq (June 25),
India vs United Arab Emirates (June 28),
India vs Turkmenistan (June 30)
India vs Oman (July 3).
Batman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition XBOX360-COMPLEX
Batman Arkham City Game of the Year Edition XBOX360-COMPLEX
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive , Eidos Interactive | Developer: Rocksteady Studios Genre: Action | Platform: XBOX360 | Size: 16.28 GB | Release Date: 30.05.2012
Release NFO & Install Notes: Here
Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum, sending players soaring into Arkham City, the new maximum security home for all of Gotham Citys thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds.Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a brand-new story that draws together a new all-star cast of classic characters and murderous villains from the Batman universe, as well as a vast range of new and enhanced gameplay features to deliver the ultimate experience as the Dark Knight.The Game of the Year Edition of Batman: Arkham City packages new gameplay content, seven maps, three playable characters, and 12 skins beyond the original retail release. Also included is the exciting epilogue, Harley Quinns Revenge in this mission, players are sent back into Arkham City to face their final challenge as they interchange between playing as both Batman and Robin. Utilize each of the characters unique combat and investigative skills to uncover Harleys vengeful plan and shut the gates on the urban mega-prison forever. In addition to experiencing a new storyline, fans can explore new environments and face-off against Harleys all new gang of thugs.
The Listener S03E01 HDTV x264-ASAP and XviD-AFG
“The Bank Job”
A bank heist becomes a hostage situation, forcing Toby to use his telepathic abilities, in the Season 3 premiere.
A bank heist becomes a hostage situation, forcing Toby to use his telepathic abilities, in the Season 3 premiere.
MP4 | AAC VBR | 366MB
MP4 | AAC VBR | 366MB
The Listener S03E01 HDTV XviD-AFG
XVI | MP3 VBR | 331 MB
Hardcore Pawn S05E23 Cash Money Moron HDTV XviD-CRiMSON
Cash Money Moron
AVI | MP3 VBR | 175MB
AVI | MP3 VBR | 175MB
First Set: Single Links or Interchangeable 1Gb Parts
Second Set: Single Links or Interchangeable 200Mb Parts
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