Ha ha..dont u think it is a bit too late for them to make a buy call now ? Samgang bought it far below d current price with marvelous profit taken in our pocket ^V^
Now u see how "smart" d guy was that giving his comment about Maemode in his blog recently..ha ha still remember he said "NO" to pworth @ 0.85 , Ranhill @1.15 n crestbld @ 0.95 3 months ago ?
He really think that those expert from OSK n S N P r so stupid till they r not aware of its debt ? ha ha.. one must understand, who r those debtors behind ? n also what they did with d money which caused of its high gearing ? look deep into it dudes ! from d way u do FA analysis , ppl can see how "good" yr FA analysis was.. my advice to u, dont just look at d given figures n surface on its accounting , look DEEP into it ..ok ?Jgn marah yah ?
One will sure come back to me n says : lousy stock still stand a chance of rising " Mahh ?? if that's d case.. what is d need of doing all these analysis, dump all yr hard sweat money n put it all in shares lolllll ^V^
I really doubt he understand what is calculated risk based on d way he makes call !?