Sunday, January 31, 2010
Marketing Mondays. Out of Work. And Invisible
.Desiree Palmen, from the InternetA recent article for MSMBC discussed the 9 Professions That Saw Most Job Losses in 2009.Here's the list:1. Architects2. Carpenters3. Production supervisors and assembly workers4. Pilots5. Computer software engineers6. Mechanical engineers7. Construction workers8. Bank tellers9. Bookkeeping, accounting and auditing clerksNotice anything missing? How about this for
Quote of the Week, Another Translated Article: Sharon Tate Knew Her Child Was a Boy and More on the Polanski Case
I thought I would start a quote of the week. It will be by someone who knew Sharon, or by Sharon herself, or a quote that makes you think of her.
First one: "She was nineteen years old, she was absolutely beautiful. I mean Sharon was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."--Martin Ransohoff
Part of the translated article I referred to earlier:
Novella 2000 August 21, 1969
The terrible death of Sharon Tate, the most beautiful of Hollywood (Part I)
They killed the baby she was carrying
Bel Air, among the most elegant neighborhoods of the "Mecca of cinema," was the scene of a crime unprecedented five people were brutally killed, their bodies were desecrated. Among the victims, the actress Sharon Tate, who was to be a mother within the month.
By Paolo Pietroni
She spoke often of her child. Two months ago, Sharon Tate was at the sixth month of pregnancy. She was in London filming the latest scenes of her fifth film, Thirteen, and the 'belly' was so obvious that the director Lucignani was forced to devise special optical tricks to hide it.
And so she showed. "It will be a male, I know, I feel it," she told Vittorio Gassman, to Orson Welles, Terry Thomas, to all friends of the crew. And she said the usual things that mothers say. That the child must look like her in looks but as for the brain it had to be just like his father--as smart as his father. And sometimes, during pauses in work, it was easy to see Sharon in a corner talking to herself. It seemed that she spoke to her baby. Instead she spoke to her son as if he was already born. And she spoke as if he were already large and needed her advice. Once they heard her say, "You can be fat as Orson Welles, my friend. But only if you're talented like him. Otherwise, you will not eat much."
"She always spoke to him in the masculine," recalls the director Luciano Lucignani. "She was one hundred percent sure it was a male. She also accepted bets on it."
Sunday Aug. 10 in Los Angeles, the morgue, the coroner Thomas Noguchi has done the autopsy on the body of Sharon Tate, assassinanted the night between Friday 8 and Saturday 9 August. Thomas Noguchi announced that the baby that the actress had carried was that of a male.
More coming...
Polanski appeal may take a year?
First one: "She was nineteen years old, she was absolutely beautiful. I mean Sharon was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."--Martin Ransohoff
Part of the translated article I referred to earlier:
Novella 2000 August 21, 1969
The terrible death of Sharon Tate, the most beautiful of Hollywood (Part I)
They killed the baby she was carrying
Bel Air, among the most elegant neighborhoods of the "Mecca of cinema," was the scene of a crime unprecedented five people were brutally killed, their bodies were desecrated. Among the victims, the actress Sharon Tate, who was to be a mother within the month.
By Paolo Pietroni
She spoke often of her child. Two months ago, Sharon Tate was at the sixth month of pregnancy. She was in London filming the latest scenes of her fifth film, Thirteen, and the 'belly' was so obvious that the director Lucignani was forced to devise special optical tricks to hide it.
And so she showed. "It will be a male, I know, I feel it," she told Vittorio Gassman, to Orson Welles, Terry Thomas, to all friends of the crew. And she said the usual things that mothers say. That the child must look like her in looks but as for the brain it had to be just like his father--as smart as his father. And sometimes, during pauses in work, it was easy to see Sharon in a corner talking to herself. It seemed that she spoke to her baby. Instead she spoke to her son as if he was already born. And she spoke as if he were already large and needed her advice. Once they heard her say, "You can be fat as Orson Welles, my friend. But only if you're talented like him. Otherwise, you will not eat much."
"She always spoke to him in the masculine," recalls the director Luciano Lucignani. "She was one hundred percent sure it was a male. She also accepted bets on it."
Sunday Aug. 10 in Los Angeles, the morgue, the coroner Thomas Noguchi has done the autopsy on the body of Sharon Tate, assassinanted the night between Friday 8 and Saturday 9 August. Thomas Noguchi announced that the baby that the actress had carried was that of a male.
More coming...
Polanski appeal may take a year?
12 + 1 Chairs,
Bel Air,
George Chasin,
Luciano Lucignani,
Martin Ransohoff,
Orson Welles,
Roman Polanski,
sharon tate,
Terry Thomas,
The Loved One,
Thomas Noguchi,
Vittorio Gassman
Watch Wapakman Movie Online
[starttext]Pound for pound king Manny Pacquiao comes to the big screen on his first superhero movie "Wapakman".Watch Wapakman movie online and see behold his extraordinary punches against his arch nemesis who includes the controversial Krista Ranillo.
Magno is an ordinary man whose world revolves around his five kids while his wife, Magda, works as a nurse in Italy. One night Magno meets an accident. A car crashes into his truck and, upon impact, a big explosion takes place. Miraculously, Magno survives unscathed. The blowup is caused by Walo-walo, an organic substance which stores energy that is almost as powerful as nuclear energy. Soon, he wakes up and feels like a new man. Lighter. Faster. Stronger. Interestingly, his newfound powers start helping him become a better dad. His wish of being faster, smarter and stronger for his family is coming true. He assumes the identity of their favorite superhero - WAPAKMAN!
Soon, Magno learns that Magda has come back to take the kids with her to Italy. Magno wants his family to be together - happy and whole. He doesn't want to let go of the kids. But can he be a good dad in the eyes of his kids and still be a superhero? Magno knows that with Wapakman around the world will be a much safer place for his kids. This is a responsibility he just can not turn away from, but if it means losing his kids ... Can he give up being a superhero if it means saving the world? It is the hardest choice he has ever had to face and he must make a decision. Fast!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Picture Comparison of the Week--Dakota Fanning as Sharon Tate? Video on Polanski and Tate Nude Photo, and Actor Pierce Brosnan defends Polanski and More
Here is the lovely Photo Comparison of the Week... Dakota Fanning looks like she is doing her best 'Sharon Tate' in this photo. The hair is very familiar to Sharon's.
Jay Leno comparing himself to Polanski? :
And Actor Pierce Brosnan talks about Polanski:
Brosnan calls for 'closure' on Polanski child sex case
By Ken Sweeney Tuesday January 26 2010
ACTOR Pierce Brosnan , the star of controversial film director Roman Polanski's new film, has called for closure on the child sex saga.
"There's a sadness to the whole situation. What happened was wrong in every way, but I just wish the man well and closure for this time in his life. He's a magnificent director and iconic in the world of cinema," he said.
"My heart goes out to his family, to his wife and to his children.
"I hope this chapter can be closed quickly."
The 76-year-old French-born Polanski, who is under house arrest in Switzerland, last week lost his bid to be sentenced in a US court without having to return there.
He faces an arrest warrant over his conviction, 32 years ago, for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl. Polanski's lawyer said he would appeal the ruling.
In the film, Brosnan's character also faces a legal challenge. He plays a former British prime minister who is writing his memoirs with the help of a ghost writer, played by Ewan McGregor. There was some doubt last year following Polanski's arrest that 'The Ghost Writer' would be completed.
A number of leading artists, including Martin Scorsese, Salman Rushdie, Sam Mendes and Neil Jordan,signed a petition organised by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy demanding Polanski's release.
Interesting short video on the David Bailey photograph of Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski that was on sale recently (Thanks to Tammie for this great find! ):
A nice photo of Sharon on an Italian blog:
And Actor Pierce Brosnan talks about Polanski:
Brosnan calls for 'closure' on Polanski child sex case
By Ken Sweeney Tuesday January 26 2010
ACTOR Pierce Brosnan , the star of controversial film director Roman Polanski's new film, has called for closure on the child sex saga.
"There's a sadness to the whole situation. What happened was wrong in every way, but I just wish the man well and closure for this time in his life. He's a magnificent director and iconic in the world of cinema," he said.
"My heart goes out to his family, to his wife and to his children.
"I hope this chapter can be closed quickly."
The 76-year-old French-born Polanski, who is under house arrest in Switzerland, last week lost his bid to be sentenced in a US court without having to return there.
Pierce Brosnan and Ewan MacGregor in Polanski's "The Ghost Writer."
In the film, Brosnan's character also faces a legal challenge. He plays a former British prime minister who is writing his memoirs with the help of a ghost writer, played by Ewan McGregor. There was some doubt last year following Polanski's arrest that 'The Ghost Writer' would be completed.
A number of leading artists, including Martin Scorsese, Salman Rushdie, Sam Mendes and Neil Jordan,signed a petition organised by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy demanding Polanski's release.
Watch Sigaw Movie Online
Sigaw is a 2004 Filipino horror film directed by Yam Laranas.Watch Sigaw Movie Online.The title translates into either "Shout" or "Scream" in English but has been released as The Echo internationally to avoid confusion with the US horror film Scream. The film was a box office success in the Philippines where the horror genre has become increasingly popular. The success of the film also owes much to the bankability of its two main male stars. In 2005, the film received a release in both Singapore and Malaysia.
Watch Sigaw Movie Online
Sigaw is a 2004 Filipino horror film directed by Yam Laranas.Watch Sigaw Movie Online.The title translates into either "Shout" or "Scream" in English but has been released as The Echo internationally to avoid confusion with the US horror film Scream. The film was a box office success in the Philippines where the horror genre has become increasingly popular. The success of the film also owes much to the bankability of its two main male stars. In 2005, the film received a release in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Marvin savors his independence in a newly acquired unit of an old apartment building. He is frequently visited by his girlfriend Pinky. Except for the occasional noise from an apartment unit down the hallway, the place is almost perfect for Marvin. At the end of the hallway is where Anna lives with her young daughter Lara, and Bert, her jealous husband. Bert is a cop, and he has always suspected Anna of two-timing him. His frequent jealous outbursts would always lead to beatings that could be heard throughout the whole floor. Marvin would usually be awakened at night by the sound of screaming and beating from Anna's unit. Marvin complains to the building caretaker, a drunk, who would just tell him to ignore the disturbance from the apartment down the hall. Anna and her daughter would usually ask for help from Jude, who lives in an apartment unit in the middle of the hallway. Jude's apartment becomes a temporary refuge for the little girl Lara. One day, Pinky drops by Marvin's apartment and is shocked to see a woman knocking on his door. Pinky suspects Marvin is seeing another girl, which could explain why he has been acting strange lately. Marvin vehemently denies seeing another woman. It is the strange occurrences in his apartment that is making him act strange lately. Meanwhile, the beatings down the hall intensify.Jude is getting scared because the cruel cop Bert is beginning to suspect that Jude is having an affair with Anna, which isn't true. Marvin gets drawn to the couple's frequent quarrels. He even witnesses Bert chasing Anna and beating her up in the corridor. All that violence affects Marvin. At length, he musters the courage to find out more about the quarreling couple. What he finds out shocks him. Marvin uncovers a secret that will change his life and Pinky's as well. The discovery sets into motion a series of hauntings that follow him and Pinky around. He decides to leave his apartment but the hauntings follow them wherever they go. Marvin finally decides to confront the problem. He returns to the old apartment building to face the evil that dwells in it. What happens next shakes the very core of his beliefs about life, love and the spirit world.
Watch Jologs (2002) Movie Online
Jologs movie is a narrative that talks about the idiosyncrasies of the young generation, the different problems a youngster encounters and how they try to find a solution for these whether in a right or wrong manner. It also shows an individual's struggle to fulfill their dreams and need for acceptance and search for truth. Jologs reveals the reality on how each person copes with life's adversities....learning in the end to love and live life the best possible way.
This is by far one of the best movies I've watch which has a good story.Highly Recommended!Watch Jologs movie online now!
This is by far one of the best movies I've watch which has a good story.Highly Recommended!Watch Jologs movie online now!
[endtext]Coming of age in Manila, 11 young people grapple with the realities of adulthood, the disappointments of dreams and the complexities of love. Assunta De Rossi, Dominic Ochoa, John Prats, Patrick Garci...( read more read more... )a, Baron Geisler, Jodi Sta. Maria, Vhong Navarro, Michelle Bayle, Diether Ocampo and Onemig Bondoc lead the ensemble cast in this award-winning dramedy, which was selected for the top prize at the 1st Annual Star Scriptwriting Contest.
Math Schmath. I Just Dig The Image
..The image above is a manifestation of something called The Exceptional Lie Group E8. I can't even begin to extrapolate the information from the scientific website. I believe it's the computer-generated representation of a formula, which would fill all the blackboards in Manhattan, that has something to do with multiple dimensions and the theory of everything. Or perhaps it's the mathematical
Friday, January 29, 2010
Photo of the Week, A Tribute to "Fearless Vampire Killers", Sharon Tate done in Embroidery? and more
Photo of the Week:
A nice tribute to FVK:
A very artistic embroidery done of Sharon:
What happened to the teacher that showed Polanski's "Macbeth?",0,4307310.story
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
A nice tribute to FVK:
A very artistic embroidery done of Sharon:
From a David Bailey photograph.,0,4307310.story
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
New Translated Article on Roman and Sharon: Polanski thought Sharon had a great life and career ahead of her and More
Here is a vintage article that I have just had translated. It comes from an Italian magazine and it is an interview with Roman about his work and Sharon:
Novella 2000 August 21, 1969
Her husband remembers her well.
In an interview to our newspaper a few days before the crime in Los Angeles, the film director Roman Polanski said: "Sharon is an amazing actress. But now, I do not care about her career as an actress, but that of her role as a mother."
Roman Polanski was in Taormina on the 2nd of August. With the help of a interpreter we managed to get a brief interview. He had just won a prestigious award for Rosemary's Baby. He starts the interview abruptly.
"Certainly you want to know if I like the awards. Yes, I like the prizes, because it always means something. What amuses me though is what people will do to get awards, but I do not do anything. However I say that I like the prizes and I have no desire to say that I do not like them just to please those who want to dispute them."
"Are you not tired of," we asked, "introducing the horror element in your films and the mysterious? There is mystery in Cul De Sac, Knife in the Water, in Rosemary's Baby, as if this were the only subject that you prefer to deal with."
Polanski replied, laughing: "My films are of horror?! But not at all! My movies are done for fun. These people who judge my films this way do not understand me. I make a movie because I enjoy it: I bask in happy events and do not dwell on horror. Yes, I think the public generally misunderstands me."
"Mia Farrow said that Roman Polanski is her favorite director. She claims that he is the only major director who now exists. This is a big statement for a very young actress, who joined the film after much controversy, and some have said to question her credibility. What do you think?"
"I thank Mia Farrow and I agree with you that I have a great record so far with films. But do not forget Fellini and Bergman. As for Mia, I am of the opinion that she is a wonderful actress, the best that exists at this time. But," he added, "Rosemary's Baby is just one film and I hope to make many."
"But your wife, Sharon Tate, has been found to be an excellent actress. There is a promise of a great career. Yes?"
"Sharon? Probably. What I would like her to concentrate on at this moment is not on her career as an actress, but that of her role as a mother. She is expecting a child very soon. She has went to America because we want our child to be born there. After that, then we'll see."
"Sharon Tate is not jealous of your work with Mia Farrow? Does this effect your personal life?"
"I do not want to compare their work! I have no intention of responding to an inquiry about my personal life," so says the director as he stood up, but his friend named Silver was detained so Polanski sat back and said: "I believe in Mia Farrow because she was the ideal interpreter for Rosemary's Baby. If it had not been Mia Farrow I would certainly have prefered to have Sharon. You can not see evil where there is none. On the other hand I am still convinced that my wife can play many more roles in my films. Her name came out suddenly after the Dance of the Vampires and The Valley of the Dolls. Everyone says of her that she will be a great actress, but she is just waiting for the right moment. Her career is important to her but so is having a child, wouldn't you agree?"
Roman Polanski repeated this statement at a press conference that followed our interview. Reporters in Taormina have gotten the impression of him being a man who can be obnoxious and arrogant. This taken from a very personal speech he gave in which the opinions of others apparently had no place. We noted in our own notebook: "And a man not intimidated by the media who he seems willing to trample." Our opinion had found this further confirmation: "Sometimes I find it nice to tease people and keep them guessing," he told one reporter.
Under the photo the caption reads: They were happy in London. Sharon Tate in a recent picture with her husband, the Polish director Roman Polanski. Some days prior Sharon (who was eight months pregnant) had moved to Los Angeles: Polanski wanted his first child born in America.
There is another article in the same section about Sharon. I will try to have it translated next. It is a long one but it looks to have some good quotes.
Here is a nice tribute to Sharon with some lovely photographs:
Novella 2000 August 21, 1969
Her husband remembers her well.
In an interview to our newspaper a few days before the crime in Los Angeles, the film director Roman Polanski said: "Sharon is an amazing actress. But now, I do not care about her career as an actress, but that of her role as a mother."
Roman Polanski was in Taormina on the 2nd of August. With the help of a interpreter we managed to get a brief interview. He had just won a prestigious award for Rosemary's Baby. He starts the interview abruptly.
"Certainly you want to know if I like the awards. Yes, I like the prizes, because it always means something. What amuses me though is what people will do to get awards, but I do not do anything. However I say that I like the prizes and I have no desire to say that I do not like them just to please those who want to dispute them."
"Are you not tired of," we asked, "introducing the horror element in your films and the mysterious? There is mystery in Cul De Sac, Knife in the Water, in Rosemary's Baby, as if this were the only subject that you prefer to deal with."
Polanski replied, laughing: "My films are of horror?! But not at all! My movies are done for fun. These people who judge my films this way do not understand me. I make a movie because I enjoy it: I bask in happy events and do not dwell on horror. Yes, I think the public generally misunderstands me."
"Mia Farrow said that Roman Polanski is her favorite director. She claims that he is the only major director who now exists. This is a big statement for a very young actress, who joined the film after much controversy, and some have said to question her credibility. What do you think?"
"I thank Mia Farrow and I agree with you that I have a great record so far with films. But do not forget Fellini and Bergman. As for Mia, I am of the opinion that she is a wonderful actress, the best that exists at this time. But," he added, "Rosemary's Baby is just one film and I hope to make many."
"But your wife, Sharon Tate, has been found to be an excellent actress. There is a promise of a great career. Yes?"
"Sharon? Probably. What I would like her to concentrate on at this moment is not on her career as an actress, but that of her role as a mother. She is expecting a child very soon. She has went to America because we want our child to be born there. After that, then we'll see."
"Sharon Tate is not jealous of your work with Mia Farrow? Does this effect your personal life?"
"I do not want to compare their work! I have no intention of responding to an inquiry about my personal life," so says the director as he stood up, but his friend named Silver was detained so Polanski sat back and said: "I believe in Mia Farrow because she was the ideal interpreter for Rosemary's Baby. If it had not been Mia Farrow I would certainly have prefered to have Sharon. You can not see evil where there is none. On the other hand I am still convinced that my wife can play many more roles in my films. Her name came out suddenly after the Dance of the Vampires and The Valley of the Dolls. Everyone says of her that she will be a great actress, but she is just waiting for the right moment. Her career is important to her but so is having a child, wouldn't you agree?"
Roman Polanski repeated this statement at a press conference that followed our interview. Reporters in Taormina have gotten the impression of him being a man who can be obnoxious and arrogant. This taken from a very personal speech he gave in which the opinions of others apparently had no place. We noted in our own notebook: "And a man not intimidated by the media who he seems willing to trample." Our opinion had found this further confirmation: "Sometimes I find it nice to tease people and keep them guessing," he told one reporter.
Under the photo the caption reads: They were happy in London. Sharon Tate in a recent picture with her husband, the Polish director Roman Polanski. Some days prior Sharon (who was eight months pregnant) had moved to Los Angeles: Polanski wanted his first child born in America.
There is another article in the same section about Sharon. I will try to have it translated next. It is a long one but it looks to have some good quotes.
Here is a nice tribute to Sharon with some lovely photographs:
FREE TO WATCH: Paano Na Kaya Movie Online
Catch the grand online premiere of Paano Na Kaya Movie after leaking in the net.WATCH PAANO NA KAYA MOVIE ONLINE FOR FREE.Feel free to browse this site for more Paano Na Kaya movie updates.We might upload a video of the full movie as soon as we could have a copy of it.Please bear with us, check back soon to watch Kimerald's movie this 2010.
Catch the grand online premiere of Paano Na Kaya Movie after leaking in the net.WATCH PAANO NA KAYA MOVIE ONLINE FOR FREE.Feel free to browse this site for more Paano Na Kaya movie updates.We might upload a video of the full movie as soon as we could have a copy of it.Please bear with us, check back soon to watch Kimerald's movie this 2010.
Note: This has been quite a controversial post! I've been lurking on the comments below. I find it funny how people could excessively "PROMOTE" their uploaded vids yet complains about having it copied.And "Pinoy Movie Express" as you know it, provides "only" embedded videos "leaking in the net" for over quite some time.And that's what makes our loyal viewers come back from time to time.You might not have seen any acknowledgments directing from your sites.And I'm guilty of that (I've been experiencing some template bugs in accordance to the "ads & acknowledgement page" that I will sooner publish).I couldn't find any place else to acknowledge those websites where we get "the" videos of such movies.I, in behalf of the Pinoy Movie Express blog,would like to appologize for the fraudulent copying of vids without even asking permission.Although, I believe everyone has had a right of "copying" such movie unless it's privatize wherein I couldn't do anything to have it copied. That's what we ought to do "SHARE it to the whole Filipino's" .And since they are claiming that we are copying such movies for OUR benefits.Allow me to remind you of our undying tag line "SHARING MEANS WE ARE NOT GAINING".Of my 10 mons of running this blog,I didn't even have made money out of it.It just so happen that we have top "google serps in Watch paano na kaya online" that this post has garnered a lot of pageviews and that we don't want these people to get disappointed.And even if we don't have their vid! googler will still land here.And since some videos has had the websites name attatched to it, we give no damn of citing them.Not unless (it'll anger them! bleh).
Mae has always been in love with her best friend, Bogs. He on the other hand, is madly in love with his girlfriend, Anna. Mae is a very good best friend, but this doesn’t make her a very good prospective girlfriend. He never saw her in a romantic light. Mae has to go through college witnessing her best friend’s relationship blossom, and she has no choice but to love Bogs in silence.Meanwhile. Bogs have always been in and out of relationships. The woman who caught his attention for the longest time is Anna. When Anna broke his heart, Mae then had high hopes that Bogs will romantically notice her. Mae knew how Bogs was with all his relationships. He is always proud, never the one who says sorry first in a fight. As a healing mechanism to his broken heart, he would always resort to having rebound relationships to girls and would retreat at the back of his auto shop to restore cars.Only Mae knew how Bogs hurt deep down inside. So she willingly put herself in his sight so that he would heal but when Anna comes back— Mae struggles. Will she ever know if he really loved her? Can best friends really become lovers? Can rebound love finally become true love?[endtext]
Watch Miss You Like Crazy Movie Official Trailer[starttext]After the success of their teleserye Betty La Fea, John Lloyd Cruz teams up again with Bea Alonzo in the a post-valentine movie entitled "Miss You Like Crazy".Watch the Official Trailer of 'Miss You Like Crazy online for it has leaked in Youtube already.
A film by Cathy Garcia-Molina.Debuted on the premiere of the movie "Paano Na Kaya", this romantic movie is going to be anticipated by millions since it's a valentines offering from Star Cinema.Opens February 24, 2010, Catch "Miss You Like Crazy" in cinema's nationwide.
A film by Cathy Garcia-Molina.Debuted on the premiere of the movie "Paano Na Kaya", this romantic movie is going to be anticipated by millions since it's a valentines offering from Star Cinema.Opens February 24, 2010, Catch "Miss You Like Crazy" in cinema's nationwide.
Art Auctions Officially Over?
.Over at Hrag Vartanian's blogazine, Hyperallergic, there's an amusing post called Best of the Aughts: The 11 Best Headlines for a Delusional Decade, which announces everything from a 1000% increase in arts funding to Frank Gehry's admission that he never intended for his art museums to actually display art. (Image from Hyperallergic).In the comment section, I've proposed a 12th headline story:.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rare Sharon Tate Memorabilia, Yorkie Necklace and Can a Teacher be Arrested for Showing a Polanski film?
Here is some rare Sharon Tate memorabilia I have come across. I have not seen these before:
For those of you who are fans of dogs I found a lovely set of necklaces that are being offered through Bradford Exchange that include two of Sharon's favorite breeds: Poodle and Yorkie:
Bill Thompson, a Norfolk police officer, told The Virginian-Pilot he would take out a warrant for contributing to the delinquency of a minor if Great Bridge High School does not take action.
The teacher showed the class several filmed versions of the play. The Polanski movie, which got mixed reviews when it came out, is marked by graphic violence and nudity.
Tom Cupitt, a spokesman for the Chesapeake schools, said the district is investigating. He said the teacher is likely to be disciplined for using outside materials without getting them approved by an administrator.
Morgan Thompson said she was not the only student upset by the movie. She said the nudity started with the first scene.
"It was disgusting. All the boys in the class were making noise, hollering and hooting," she said. "It was entirely offensive to show that. Even if you were going to show that version, at least fast-forward through that."
I guess some of Polanski's vintage films are still causing a stir.
A rare magazine cover.
A rare book cover.
Rare "Wrecking Crew" French Poster.
A rare Polish article on "The Fearless Vampire Killers."
Here is a website if you are interested in these necklaces? :
And here are more great items that depict animals including dogs:
Can teacher be arrested for showing Polanski's Macbeth?
NORFOLK, Va., Jan. 27 (UPI) -- The father of a Virginia high school student threatened to have a teacher arrested for showing a class Roman Polanski's 1971 movie of Shakespeare's "Macbeth."
Bill Thompson, a Norfolk police officer, told The Virginian-Pilot he would take out a warrant for contributing to the delinquency of a minor if Great Bridge High School does not take action.
The teacher showed the class several filmed versions of the play. The Polanski movie, which got mixed reviews when it came out, is marked by graphic violence and nudity.
Tom Cupitt, a spokesman for the Chesapeake schools, said the district is investigating. He said the teacher is likely to be disciplined for using outside materials without getting them approved by an administrator.
Morgan Thompson said she was not the only student upset by the movie. She said the nudity started with the first scene.
"It was disgusting. All the boys in the class were making noise, hollering and hooting," she said. "It was entirely offensive to show that. Even if you were going to show that version, at least fast-forward through that."
I guess some of Polanski's vintage films are still causing a stir.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Studio Visit with Gloria Klein
. Gloria Klein's work table, laden with recently completed paintings on paper.In September, on a roll from my studio visits throughout the summer, I visited Gloria Klein on the Lower East Side. Klein lives in a large apartment complex two blocks from the East River on a stretch between the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges. Her one-bedroom apartment, filled with a decade-spanning collection of work
Oscars 2010 Best Foreign Language Film Shortlist Nominees
[starttext]Another year for aspiring movie makers worldwide.The 2010 Oscars is yet to come.But the Oscars 2010 Best Foreign Language Film Shortlist Nominees was already announced.Who will win the best foreign film?Coming from a filipino, Its so sad that Ded na Si Lolo just like Ploning, did not make it to the short list.Well maybe perhaps another year!!
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has released a shortlist of nominees for the Best Foreign Language Film category which consisted of nine outstanding films from the sixty-five qualified films submitted last year.
The 82nd Academy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at 5:30 a.m. PT in the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater. Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2009 will be presented on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre.[endtext]
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has released a shortlist of nominees for the Best Foreign Language Film category which consisted of nine outstanding films from the sixty-five qualified films submitted last year.
Oscars 2010 Best Foreign Language Film Shortlist Nominees
Nine movies will advance to the next round of voting in the Foreign Language Film category for the 82nd Academy Awards. The films, listed in alphabetical order by country, are:
- Argentina, El Secreto de Sus Ojos byJuan Jose Campanella
- Australia, Samson and Delilah by Warwick Thornton
- Bulgaria, The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks around the Corner by Stephan Komandarev
- France, Un Prophete by Jacques Audiard
- Germany, The White Ribbon by Michael Haneke
- Israel, Ajami by Scandar Copti and Yaron Shani
- Kazakhstan, Kelin by Ermek Tursunov
- The Netherlands, Winter in Wartime by Martin Koolhoven
- Peru, The Milk of Sorrow by Claudia Llosa
Foreign Language Film nominations for 2009 are again being determined in two phases. The Phase I committee, consisting of several hundred Los Angeles-based members, screened the 65 eligible films between mid-October and January 16. The group’s top six choices, augmented by three additional selections voted by the Academy’sForeign Language Film Award Executive Committee, constitute the shortlist. The shortlist will be winnowed down to the five nominees by specially invited committees in New York and Los Angeles. They will spend Friday, January 29, through Sunday, January 31, viewing three films each day and then casting their ballots.
Want to know who wins the Oscars 2010 Best Foreign Language Film category?
The 82nd Academy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at 5:30 a.m. PT in the Academy’s Samuel Goldwyn Theater. Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2009 will be presented on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at the Kodak Theatre.[endtext]
2010 oscars,
ded na si lolo,
FREE TO WATCH: ANG DARLING KONG ASWANG MOVIE ONLINE[starttext]This mmff entry is the 6th Top Grossing Film of 2009 by Octoarts/APT.Watch Ang Darling Kong Aswang movie online.Another great movie from our Bosing, Vic Sotto together with the sexiest woman in the Philippines, Christine Reyes.
Victor (Vic Sotto) is a single father who falls in love with Elisa (Cristine Reyes) who turns out to be an Aswang. But even so, Victor love Elisa so much that he accepted who she is and even live with her as his second wife.But the problem comes when the leader of the Aswang clan (Jean Garcia) founds out that Elisa and her mother (Agot Isidro) are not eating humans anymore. She sents out other Aswangs to hunt down Elisa and her mother, and also for Victor and his family.Victor then will face the leader of the Aswang clan to save his beloved Elisa.
Roman Polanski working on a new movie? Great Cartoon Art of FVK, VOD Trailer and More
Apparently Polanski is already contemplating his next film:
Roman Polanski Working on 'God of Carnage' Adaptation, Says Wife
By: Leonard Jacobs
The embattled Roman Polanski may have a new project in the works: adapting and directing a film version of Yasmina Reza's Tony-winning play 'God of Carnage.'
Of course, he has vital details to work out first, such as remaining under house arrest at his Switzerland chateau and fighting extradition to the U.S. in the still-unresolved 33-year-old sex case against him.
Even from house arrest, however, Polanski is still at work as he finishes post-production on his latest film, 'The Ghost Writer,' which will have its world premiere at the 60th annual Berlin International Film Festival next month. Based on a novel by Robert Harris, 'The Ghost Writer' stars Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan.
'God of Carnage,' meanwhile, has proven a worldwide hit. In Paris, it starred Isabelle Huppert; in London, it starred Ralph Fiennes. And on Broadway, the cast on opening night in March 2009 included James Gandolfini, Marcia Gay Harden, Jeff Daniels and Hope Davis. Now in its 10th month on the Great White Way, the current New York cast features Christine Lahti, Annie Potts, Jimmy Smits and Scottish actor Ken Stott.
The L.A. Times picked up on Polanski's involvement in 'God of Carnage' following an Elle magazine interview with Polanski's wife, Emmanuelle Siegner, co-star of 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.' Siegner offered no further details on the project, which has yet to be confirmed, officially.
Reza's play examines two sets of parents brought into contact when their respective children come into conflict. As hope for resolving their children's differences fades, the conversation between the parents devolves into accusations, insults and a raucous four-way argument, suggesting a fine line between adults and children.
Last week, a California judge ruled that Polanski could not be sentenced in absentia for slipping out of the U.S. in 1978 after pleading guilty to unlawful intercourse with a minor -- tantamount to statutory rape. Polanski's lawyers are appealing.
Here is a great cartoon drawing from DeviantART from "The Fearless Vampire Killers":
Ever see the "Valley of the Dolls" trailer? Here it is:
Happiness is... Sharon Tate:
And a belated birthday tribute to Sharon:
Roman Polanski Working on 'God of Carnage' Adaptation, Says Wife
By: Leonard Jacobs
The embattled Roman Polanski may have a new project in the works: adapting and directing a film version of Yasmina Reza's Tony-winning play 'God of Carnage.'
Of course, he has vital details to work out first, such as remaining under house arrest at his Switzerland chateau and fighting extradition to the U.S. in the still-unresolved 33-year-old sex case against him.
Even from house arrest, however, Polanski is still at work as he finishes post-production on his latest film, 'The Ghost Writer,' which will have its world premiere at the 60th annual Berlin International Film Festival next month. Based on a novel by Robert Harris, 'The Ghost Writer' stars Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan.
'God of Carnage,' meanwhile, has proven a worldwide hit. In Paris, it starred Isabelle Huppert; in London, it starred Ralph Fiennes. And on Broadway, the cast on opening night in March 2009 included James Gandolfini, Marcia Gay Harden, Jeff Daniels and Hope Davis. Now in its 10th month on the Great White Way, the current New York cast features Christine Lahti, Annie Potts, Jimmy Smits and Scottish actor Ken Stott.
The L.A. Times picked up on Polanski's involvement in 'God of Carnage' following an Elle magazine interview with Polanski's wife, Emmanuelle Siegner, co-star of 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.' Siegner offered no further details on the project, which has yet to be confirmed, officially.
Marcia Gay Harden, James Gandolfini, Hope Davis, Jeff Daniels
Last week, a California judge ruled that Polanski could not be sentenced in absentia for slipping out of the U.S. in 1978 after pleading guilty to unlawful intercourse with a minor -- tantamount to statutory rape. Polanski's lawyers are appealing.
Here is a great cartoon drawing from DeviantART from "The Fearless Vampire Killers":
It looks as though Roman can't keep his mind off Sharon :)
Happiness is... Sharon Tate:
And a belated birthday tribute to Sharon:
^V^ FA vs TA , 2 all ta losers , Let me show u what is TA (Tak ada akal method ) ? ^V^

First of all , I would like to thanks TA loser mike lee for bringing so many subcribers to my private blog lately ( email from new subscribers saying most of them come across my blog thru yr link to zl blog ^_- ) thanks a million dude ^_-
K.. back 2 what is tak ada akal method or in short people called it TA ! take a look at d above picture , there was this smart alex called king spartan ( nothing but another TA loser ) posted in his blog asking people to cut loss on supermx if she ever drop below 2.50 ! well... supermx has drop below 2.50 on 2/10/09 ( as per attached picture ) , if one followed this TA loser to cut loss @ 2.50 , I am very sure he/she will definitely ban his head 2 wall after seeing supermx shot up like a rocket 2 as high as 5.90 last week ! ha ha..this is Y I always tell u guys " is TA works ? MY FOOT ! " ^_- see ?
If one using FA for supermx , he will never cut loss @ RM 2.50 , that is 4 sure , y ? simple..take a look at supermx 's eps , on July 10 , its eps stood @ 17.15 ( 2qtrs ) , theoritically its full year earning shld give u eps ard 17.15 x 2 = 34.3 cts , at 2.50 , its PE stood ard 7 + , way below average PE of rubber industry which stood ard 15 +-! couple with d high demand on rubber glove due to h1n1 n other desease (renher ) , if one using FA on supermx , he will never sell @ 2.50 !!!
On oct 15 2009, earning of supermx jumped triple up , giving u eps of 15.14 ( 1qtr ) hence, 15.14 x 4 = 60.56 cts , that's y supermx shot up like a rockect from 2.50 to 6.00 last week ! see d beauty of FA ???
From d above , u shld know y i am so anti TA ! y i said TA is a kiss of death !? y i said all TA users r loser !?
2 all TA losers , do I need 2 explain more ?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Philippe Forquet and Sharon, Great Sharon Tate Photos, Another Star from the Sixties Passes
I saw this on a web page for Forquet:
He fell in love with Sharon Tate, who was also a young contract player at Fox and they became formally engaged. This interfered with the plans a certain well-known producer had for Sharon, including some romantic ones, and the proud young Frenchman locked horns with some pretty powerful people. He made some very influential enemies and was the victim of a largely made-up negative publicity campaign aaying that he had raped and beaten Sharon Tate. These allegations were never proven (as is mentioned in Biography Channel`s bio of Sharon Tate.)
Philippe couldn`t deal with the culture shock of Hollywood of the Sixties. Discouraged and brokenhearted, the sensitive young actor moved to New York and studied at the Actor`s Studio. His friends were the literary crowd, well-known writers of books, and Broadway plays. His family was demanding that he return home and in 1966 he acquiesced vowing never to return to Hollywood unless they sent for him.
Does anyone know who the producer is? Also, I have heard that there was once an interview with Forquet's ex-wife, Linda Morand on the internet that discussed Sharon but it is no longer there? Does anyone know anything about this? Please email me a link or a copy if possible?
This past weekend some other fans posted some great pictures of Sharon in honor of her birthday:
Polanski to make appeal:
Bonanza Star Pernell Roberts has passed. RIP to him. Here is the news on this:
Philippe Forquet fell in love with Sharon Tate, who was also a young contract player at Fox and they became formally engaged. This interfered with the plans a certain well-known producer had for Sharon, including some romantic ones, and the proud young Frenchman locked horns with some pretty powerful people. He made some very influential enemies and was the victim of a largely made-up negative publicity campaign aaying that he had raped and beaten Sharon Tate. These allegations were never proven (as is mentioned in Biography Channel`s bio of Sharon Tate.)
Philippe couldn`t deal with the culture shock of Hollywood of the Sixties. Discouraged and brokenhearted, the sensitive young actor moved to New York and studied at the Actor`s Studio. His friends were the literary crowd, well-known writers of books, and Broadway plays. His family was demanding that he return home and in 1966 he acquiesced vowing never to return to Hollywood unless they sent for him.
Linda Morand
This past weekend some other fans posted some great pictures of Sharon in honor of her birthday:
Polanski to make appeal:
Bonanza Star Pernell Roberts has passed. RIP to him. Here is the news on this:
Watch Shake Rattle And Roll 11 Online
Watch Shake Rattle & Roll 11 Full Movie Online for Free - Watch Shake Rattle and Roll IX 11 Movies Online -SRR 11' filipino horror movie premieres online and finally it can be watched here on Pinoy movie express.Watch the country’s brightest stars, most promising directors, topnotch production design and scariest storylines in the 11th installment of “Shake, Rattle and Roll,” the must-see horror movie in the 2009 Metro Manila Film Festival.

That's all you have to do.Sit back, relax and enjoy watching this must see horror movie of 2009!
That's all you have to do.Sit back, relax and enjoy watching this must see horror movie of 2009!
You don't need to go elsewhere to watch the movie! Because we are going to provide you the full-length SRR 11.Isn't that amazing??This is exclusive because some site or especially someone(from the staffs) might spot it leaking and remove it any time sooner.So better tell everyone you know that you can watch this movie at YOUR FRIENDS (see the red toolbar below? click "SHARE".) :)
The episode “Lamang Lupa” features some of the most sought-after young stars of the Kapamilya and Kapuso Networks: Jennica Garcia, Rayver Cruz, Iya Villania, Mart Escudero, Bangs Garcia and twin brothers Dominic Roco and Felix Roco. The story revolves around a group of friends who went camping only to find themselves relentlessly pursued by ferocious creatures called “lamanglupas.” Director for this episode is Jessel Monteverde.
The second episode, “Diablo,” will pair Maja Salvador with Mark Anthony Fernandez for the very first time. Directed by Rico Gutierrez, the episode tells the story of Claire, a young doctor-intern at a provincial hospital is haunted by demonic visions after she encounters a female patient who is suspected of carrying a deadly flu virus. Claire’s aunt brings her to Fr. Ronnie who turns out be Claire’s ex-boyfriend. Old flames are rekindled with both Fr. Ronnie and Claire battle the demons.
Completing this horror trilogy is “Ukay-Ukay,” which reunites former reel and real sweethearts Ruffa Gutierrez and Zoren Legaspi. Ruffa and Zoren play would-be couple Kayla and Harold whose wedding plans are deterred by a “possessed” gown from “ukay-ukay.” Because of this, the couple embarks on fighting the evil spirits before proceeding with their wedding. Writer-turned-director Don Michael Perez is at the helm of this episode.“SRR 11, of course, will have the scare and excitement that endeared it to fans, but this eleventh installment will show how the shrieks, and shouts of the past SRR movies will be multiplied,” says producer Roselle Monteverde. “This year, we’re tackling horror concepts that are very unique to our culture in more thought-provoking and exciting ways.”
Sunday, January 24, 2010
WATCH ANG PANDAY 2009 MOVIE ONLINE[starttext]You may want to watch Ang Panday 2009 Movie Online! It's totally for free.Feel free to browse the latest pinoy movies on the net.Please leave comments!
Ang panday movie won the best picture in the 2009 MMFF movie.The production of this MMFF entry is estimated to cost as much as P80 million.It is said that the special effects on this film is that of hollywood standards.Just another reason to watch Ang Panday movie online!
That's all you have to do.Sit back, relax and enjoy watching this phenomenal movie of 2009!
Ang panday movie won the best picture in the 2009 MMFF movie.The production of this MMFF entry is estimated to cost as much as P80 million.It is said that the special effects on this film is that of hollywood standards.Just another reason to watch Ang Panday movie online!
- DIRECTOR: Mac Alejandre
- GENRE: Fantasy/action/romance
- PRODUCERS: GMA Films and Imus Productions
- CAST: Bong Revilla Jr., Phillip Salvador, Iza Calzado, Rhian Ramos, Geoff Eigenmann, Buboy Villar, George Estregan Jr., Gladys Guevarra, Jonee Gamboa, Paulo Avelino, Stef Prescott, Carlos Morales, Luz Valdez, Carlene Aguilar, and John Lapus
You don't need to go elsewhere to watch the movie! Because we are going to provide you the full-length Ang Panday.Isn't that amazing??This is exclusive because some site or especially someone(from the staffs) might spot it leaking and remove it any time sooner.So better tell everyone you know that you can watch this movie at YOUR FRIENDS (see the red toolbar below? click "SHARE".) :)
That's all you have to do.Sit back, relax and enjoy watching this phenomenal movie of 2009!
Update: Please be aware that a high quality version of Ang panday is available.To watch Click Here!
[endtext]SYNOPSIS. Ang Panday revolves around the peace-loving but brave Flavio (Bong Revilla Jr.). His arch-enemy Lizardo (Phillip Salvador) attempts to ruin the peace and harmony of their dwelling place, affecting the inhabitants.Moreover, the evil warlord challenges Flavio by capturing his beautiful lady love Maria (Iza Calzado). A series of events take place, bringing the blacksmith (panday) at the forefront of a full-blown war against Lizardo’s troops.
Marketing Mondays: A Curator Connects the Dots for an Exhibition
In the previous post, Mary Birmingham, Exhibition Director for the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, New Jersey, talked about how artists get on her radar and offered advice to anyone looking to connect similarly with curators.
In this post, she talks specifically about how she found the artists for Material Color. Although the show is over (it ran for four months, October 2008 through January
In the previous post, Mary Birmingham, Exhibition Director for the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, New Jersey, talked about how artists get on her radar and offered advice to anyone looking to connect similarly with curators.
In this post, she talks specifically about how she found the artists for Material Color. Although the show is over (it ran for four months, October 2008 through January
Happy Birthday Sharon! Drew Barrymore Channels Sharon Tate and In Defense of Roman Polanski
Happy Birthday to our wonderful Sharon in heaven!
Other significant things that happened on this day in history:
I noticed the above link says that Tess star Nastassja Kinski also has a birthday! Happy Birthday to you!
Drew Barrymore and Sharon Tate?
Drew Barrymore Channels a 60s starlet
Drew Barrymore's '60s bouffant and pale makeup were inspired by Brigitte Bardot and Sharon Tate, two references the actress gave makeup artist Debra Ferullo when creating the overall look to compliment her midnight-blue Monique Lhuillier dress.
To get the look, Ferullo used Cover Girl clean liquid makeup and Simply Ageless blush in Plush Peach. To the eyes, layers of Dior Show mascara were applied along with Cover Girl Shadow Blast in Bronze Fire and Silver Sky. For that perfectly frosty, pale pink lip, Ferullo used Dior Addict lip color in Beige Negligee and Dior Addict Ultra Gloss in Jersey Pink.
Frosty pink gloss, a silvery smoky eye along with that teased and twisted up-do, Barrymore looked like she stepped straight out the '60s.
--Melissa Magsaysay
Another defender of Polanski:
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Other significant things that happened on this day in history:
I noticed the above link says that Tess star Nastassja Kinski also has a birthday! Happy Birthday to you!
Drew Barrymore and Sharon Tate?
Drew Barrymore Channels a 60s starlet
Drew Barrymore's '60s bouffant and pale makeup were inspired by Brigitte Bardot and Sharon Tate, two references the actress gave makeup artist Debra Ferullo when creating the overall look to compliment her midnight-blue Monique Lhuillier dress.
To get the look, Ferullo used Cover Girl clean liquid makeup and Simply Ageless blush in Plush Peach. To the eyes, layers of Dior Show mascara were applied along with Cover Girl Shadow Blast in Bronze Fire and Silver Sky. For that perfectly frosty, pale pink lip, Ferullo used Dior Addict lip color in Beige Negligee and Dior Addict Ultra Gloss in Jersey Pink.
Frosty pink gloss, a silvery smoky eye along with that teased and twisted up-do, Barrymore looked like she stepped straight out the '60s.
--Melissa Magsaysay
Another defender of Polanski:
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
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