The kid’s parents, portrayed by Aiko Melendez and Jomari Yllana, search for a new yaya.Rosalinda ”Cha-cha” Lucero is selected from a coterie of applicants.Soon, a special love-hate bond is formed between the two.Yaya becomes the object ofAngelina ’s practical jokes and temper tantrums but she is determined to stick it out with the bratty child.Unfortunately, one final straw broke her spirit so she packed her stuff and moved out ofAngelina’s household.Alone and distraught over Yaya’s disappearance, Angelina accidentally uncovers a terrorist plot to assassinate The Duchess of Wellengton, who is scheduled to visit her school.Angelina is discovered and kidnapped by the terrorists.Learning about the predicament of her beloved ward, Yaya sets out to save Angelina.Reunited, they combine their wits to save the foreign dignitary and thwart the terrorists’ evil plot.
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