2 ta losers out there, I am sure u guys wanna 2 know d bugger whose always make u fras , mad & sour , right ? u wanna 2 know how he looks like ? ha ha see d attachment, this is d kuai lan bugger that make u jump up n down , make u looks like super fool ! ha ha jgn marah yah ^_-
Latest update, sold another 5 lots of tgoff-wa @1.10 , bal left behind is now 15 lots . take note : In year 2009 , I hv total 60 lots of tgoff-wa @0.70+ in hand , 35 lots profit taken in pocket ( see d attachment ).
http://samgang.blogspot.com/2010/07/v-to-hg-all-ta-losers-do-i-need-to.html2 kwanyik, oledi inform technical support, will solve yr problem asap.
latest update on my membership status, final renewal 96.5% , 3.5 % pending or not going to renew, butttt...at the same time , there are about 73 new members join in , hence, overall my success rate is still above 100% ha ha jgn marah yah ? ^_-
I am happy n satisfied with this result , not bcos of money that I made but endorsement n trust that I gained from u guys ^_- kamsiah 2 all ^_^
2 novice , I am always around just that when mkt is heading south , I prefer to do nothing rather than just talk nonsense, like WB once said, when there is nothing to do, do nothing ^_-
Bingo tgoff-wa strike again , guys... see ? almost 90% of my picks strike ! this is FA , u dont know when she will come but definitely come one day !
If one tell u , he knows when 2 buy today n sell 2molo with big big gain like those ta losers , do u trust these buggers ?
Articles from Malaysia reserve :-
http://www.themalaysianreserve.com/SubPage.asp?pageid=4&eventid=5255Technical analysis fails to make money
29.07.2010, Thursday
Analysts who use patterns in price and volume charts to forecast gains or losses in the stock market fail to make investors money, according to a study of technical analysis by Birinyi Associates Inc. The advance-decline line, which represents the number of daily gains minus declines, is an example of technical analysis that fails to forecast market moves, according to a report Tuesday by the Westport, Connecticut- based firm.
Sometimes, I asked myself , am I born 2 be TA killer ? is my previous life got something to do with tak ada akal method ? may be I lost till pokai using ta method in my previous life, that's y I am so anti tak ada akal method ha ha... may be may be ^_-
Patience n holding power with right method will surely make u rich !
k... historical high PE n low pe 4 XXXXX. 8 years high was 2.50 n low was 0.50. ( take note : I presume there is no bonus issued in btwn , otherwise yr calculation on PE would be out !)
simple ! take d most recent years eps , 6.6cts (2009) / 12 cts (2008) ... so 6.6 + 12 = 18.6 , 18.6 /2 = 9.3 cts !
8 years high xxxxxx = PE 26 woww so high arh must be in bull year I guess .
8 years low ?????? , ?????= PE 5.3
XXxx latest EPS stood @ = 4.43 ( 1st qtr of 2009 = 4.43, 1st qtr of 2008 = 1.13) , 4.43 x 4 = 17.72cts
?????? = PE 5.5
Wait.... 4.43 compared to its QTQ of 1.13c ts , variance = 3.3cts, hence we shld take d average , 4.43 + 1.13 = 5.56 , 5.56/2= 2.78cts
????? x 4 qtrs - ??????cts est eps.
????/1????? = PE ??
k..now compare with its historical high n low PE, H?? n L??, now is ??? . well...very close to bottom than peak, based on PE wise..this stock still got room 2 move up !
k... after these what next ?
ha ha...as usual, pls digest d above first..
2 be continued 2molo ^_-
Friends of mine from UK came to visit me d other day , I brought them to GLASS HOUSE in Serendah ( near Ulu Yum ) it is a chalet located in jungle, not a bad place 4 those who love green n nature , we eat all d way from batu cave 2 ulu yum , stay a night there n took all d yummy foods @ ulu yum /batang kali.
visit this site if u wanna 2 know further :-
http://blog.yam.com/bonebell/article/285315164 reservation , u need to book 3 months in advance
Off peak - RM450+ per night
Peak ( sat /sun ) RM650+ per night