D funniest Joke in this planet , without meritocracy system, this is what Malaysia produced .u put shit in u get shit out of it !
I take this as a great joke and at the same time I feel disgrace as a Malaysian. If you have time take some leisure time to see through this.
Malaysia legal system with its finest lawyers in action in the Teoh Beng Hock case.
I was so shocked & disbelieving after the first few minutes that I watched all 8 'youtube' clips, and am still in a state of shock!!
It is no laughing matter, but one cannot help but laugh at this idiot make an utter fool of himself, and whatever the outcome of the case, the world can view these clips and judge for themselves.
My sympathy goes out to Teoh Beng Hock's family.
Have a look......judge for yourself!
Video 1 of 8
Video 2 of 8
Submitted on: Oct 6, 2010 @ 22:47
sad to said he graduate from Malaysia Uni and became Joker #1 shame ....
Submitted on: Oct 6, 2010 @ 23:24
Uncle Sam, never in my wildest imagination that this will be the quality of the so called elite lawyers as we see from the clip. He even has great difficulty speaking proper english. Oh my god.... u r rite, greatest joke and shame to our country. This kinda quality... no eye see laa..
Ha ha ha, well... I dare not 2 critics his english cos my ENGALand oso half past 6 BUTTTTT.... as known 2 u guys, I am not a lawyer, I am jz a bizman, hence i am not obliged 2 speak good english ! but this joker is not ! he is a lawyer, it is damn shameful if one speak this type of primary school english esp ppl like lawyer !
Yes, I agreed that we cant judge d smartness of an individual by judging from his speaking in english ! BUTTTT once again, look at d questions he asked !??OMG !!! I doubt he knows how 2 write d word "SHAME " !?? ha ha he is really boleh ! memang boleh !
Btw, do u think he doesnt know that he is weak in english ? y still he uses english 2 ask questions ? ha ha ..fyi, he got no choice coz d lady is a foreigner ha ha ha, all this while he is using bahasa in court , but too bad... this time he cant do that 2 hide his weakness anymore ! ha ha
So guys, this is d output of our government school ( I am also a victim of this ha ha ), a lawyer oso cant speak proper english , what u expect from layman like us ? ha ha... anyway , there is nothing 2 shame of , first, we r not lawyer
second , intelligence determine by brain play not language play !
but..no matter what , this bugger is really a joker , cos he got none of d above ! ha ha ha
yah,,b4 i 4get, still remember d interview btw cnbc n our previous tour minister ? his english standard is exactly like this joker lawyer ,ha ha i think these 2 buggers r kembar siam !
Yah..can someone tell me his office address ? give me his off tel as well, I will definitely ring him up n tell him " cinapek sam wanted 2 learn english from him " ha ha ha..serious, no joke, pls post it here if u know his office add n tel.tq in advance^_-
wooww. citi is now 4.16 liaooo not bad not bad...slowly but surely ^_-
8...need 2 go kow kow g liaooo
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