When rain comes, everybody get wet ! nothing 2 proud of but just wanna 2 shames ta losers THAT do I need tak ada akal method 2 make profit from MEGB @ 1.79 ?
Profit in hand 4 MEGB is now >RM 11,800 liaoooo
MEGB posted in my private blog on 5 MArch 2011 >
MEGB has fallen from d sky of 4.30 within a year , it is now traded @ 1.81 n my entry cost is ard 1.79+ .
As usual , d first consideration came 2 my mind was its FA , take alook at its latest qe, revenue jumped from R74264 to 809065 , qe earning = 9 cts, theoretically , d forward earning 4 next year shld be 9 x 4 = 36cts .
@ 1.80+- , its PE is ard 5+ !!! very attractive !
K...Low PE is not good enuf without sustainable earning ! how sustainable its earning can be ? well. as known 2 u all, MEGB is the country’s largest nursing n health education provider with
22% market share in nursing education, based on d nature of its biz , 2 sustain d above earning is definitely not a problem at all .
Earning wise... no problem !
come 2 its Historical price >
52 weeks high 4.30
Low 1.77
current = 1.81 , almost @ its historical low.
Safe ? YES !
Then is there any shares buy back from its bosses ? well...d answer is yes ! they hv proposed 2 buy back their shares in AGM last month.
FMR has been selling this shares like no 2molo since Dec 2010 , y they sell ? no answer yet ! but after d heavy sell down , there r not much holding in d hand of FMR liaooo, we can see it from d traded vol n d current price movement !
I think d downside potential is quite limited !
FYI, Insiderasia n Public mutual fund r holding quite alot of this bugger @ cost from 2.30 to 3.00 ,n there is no sign of selling from both of them.
D only concern 2 me is WHY FMR selling like 2molo lately ? Why ?
Except this, I see nothing wrong in this stock !
Conclusion is BUY N HOLD !
Latest economy datas show US economy is confirmed on d track of recovery ! d current worry is d ME crisis ! history has tell us that there is no crisis cannot be solved ! n this ME crisis will soon come 2 d end !
Once d crisis is over , I believe MEGB would be d first one 2 fly ^_-
30 lots in hand @ cost of 1.79+ liaoo ( 20lots r from swap), if not bcos of d ME crisis , I would hv bot in another 20 lots ^_-
4low or not ? u decide ^_-
k...lunch time liaooo, what 2 eat ? steam fish head @ cheras ^_^
2 all ta losers , how u like that ? still think of MEGB is catching d falling knife ? do I need tak ada akal method 2 times my entry ? ^_-
Jgn Marah yah ^_^
so XXXXXXX is coming .... another one in my radar !!!
wanna 2 know which one ?
btw..my answer 2 ah chart :-
Ah Chart said...
Sometimes, for people who argue the usefulness of either one that they preach, they could be using the other that they condemn subconsciously e.g. FA preacher looking at volume. I wonder since when volume has become part of fundamental analysis??
My answer 2 u :-
Excuse me ah chart, vol is not ta tool !!! just like when u see thunder , u dun need 2 be scientist 2 know that rain is coming soon ! right ?
so vol is not ta tool, it is common sense ! when u see vol there, this show something is ON ! it can be up n oso can be down ! erti ?