Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Vintage Translated Turkish Interview with Sharon Tate...

Thanks to Andrea, we have a new translated article on Sharon.   A friend of mine did it for me today.  I hope everyone enjoys it.
Hayat - 1967

According to the British this will be the year of Sharon Tate: 1967

In recent years, British stars have emerged to be the new cinema sensations, Julie Christie, Vanessa Redgrave, Samantha Eggar and now a new star is slated for stardom.

Everyone has a common opinion: If you like the photos of an actress in advertisements then generally you will like the star. Movie star Sharon Tate, a 23-year-old blonde of English origin, is a complete exception to this rule. She has avoided advertising herself to the public.  She has even hid under a black wig out in front of television audiences. Sharon, is not recognized as a star yet on posters or marquees of theaters.  Fame has become a suitable adventure to be found for this young lady.

How many years has she been hidden ?

Everything is riding on this girl who came to the eyes of Hollywood cinema three years ago.  Martin Ransohoff discovered her and drew up a seven-year contract. For a period of 30 months Sharon fully learned how to be an actress and she has longed for the moment to be introduced. 

Sharon, recently met with a journalist in London and gave answers to various questions. Let us now turn our attention to this interesting conversation:

Q: Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Brigitte Bardot are actresses called sex symbols.

A: For actresses we cannot control everything that is said about us. It is not possible.  Having said that, I do not mind being called that.

Q: Do you look upon yourself as a 'sex symbol'?

A: Everyone says I am a beautiful girl. But sexy... that's another thing altogether.

Q: What are your thoughts about the fashions of today?
A: I do dress from Paris. I am glad women wear something more comfortable than say in the 1920s.  Now, the apparel is more sharper and full of commericial lines.

Q: In the "Vampire Killers" film you have a naked bath scene.  Do you have on anything at all in this scene?

A: No. The director Polanski said: "You don't have to allow it to embarrass you.  The crew will eventually not even think about it if you don't.  But, of course, you can just ignore them if you want to!"  In this way, it was easier to do my job.  Polanski is a genuine artist.

A: So you like him?

A: I think he is a good and valuable person.
Q: What characteristics should your ideal man have?

A: To have an emotional yet strong character.

Q: For example, such as Roman Polanski?

A: Yes.

Sharon Tate is a caring young girl who is on her way to the great climb of fame.

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